The Christmas Suprise

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A/N: This is my first book I am writing on Wattpad. Hope you like it!!!

Chapter 1...... December 12th,1980

arvin is sitting at the kitchen table, playing with his G-I-Goe dolls when his mom walkes out of the kitchen holding a cake in her hands. Marvin's dad and older sister Jenny walk out from the living room into the kitchen. 

"Happy Birthday to you..." Marvin looks at his family and smiles. 

(I am going to kill them tonight....) 

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Marvin. Happy Birthday to you." The family stops singing and Marvin's mom lookes at Marvin and smiles. 

"Make a wish Marvin." the mom said. Marvin closes his eyes and blows out the candles. 

"What did you wish for?" the mom asked. 

"If I tell you, it won't come true." Marvin replied. The mom laughed. She then started to cut the cake. 

"Do you need help cutting the cake?" the dad asked. 

"No I got it. Kids, come and get your plates so I can give you cake." 

"Mom, I don't want cake. I want to go to bed."  

"Okay. Good-night Marvin." 

"Night mom." Marvin heads into the kitchen and starts to walk to the set of knives in the holder. He grabs a big, sharp knife and ran out the other entrance that lead into the living room and ran up the stairs. Once he reached the hallway, he walked to the master bedroom and walked in. He walked up to the bed, sat down on it, and started looking through the nightstand. He pulled out pills, a pack aof condoms, gum, money, a bible, and then he found his dad's 9mm pistol. It was fully loaded. He grabed it, put everything into the nightstand and ran into his room. 


Marvin woke up in his bedroom, frightened of the thunder outside. He gets out of bed and grabs his knife he stole from the kitchen and started toward the doorway of his room. Once he got to the hallway, he walked down all the way to the end of the hallway and made a turn. He looked at Jenny's room. He could see the door was cracked open and light poured into the dark hallway. He started toward her room. Once he got to her doorway, he peeked his head into the room. He saw her sister on her cell phone, talking to someone. 

"Well I got to go. The storm is getting really bad outside. Alright? I'll talk to you later. Love ya too. Bye." She then hung up her cell phone, picked up her iPod, put the earbuds in, grabbed a magazine, and started flipping through it. Marvin opened the door a little more and walked into the room. Jenny noticed him. "What are you doing in my room you little rat?" 

"I wanted to give you something." Marvin said. He was holding something behind his back. 

"What is it? Your little blanket?" 

"No...this." Hemoved his arms to the front of his body, reaveling the knife. He ran up to Jenny and stabbed her back. Jenny screamed. But no one could hear her because there was a roll of thunder. "And if you dare to scream, I will slice you open even more." 

Ooo...okkkayyy." Marvin looked at Jenny's face and saw tears coming out of her eyes. Marvin left her room and walked into his room. He heard his mom scream. Marvin ran to his pillow and pulled out the 9mm. He shoved it in his pocket and headed toward the stairs. As he was walking slowly down the stairs trying not to make noise, he could hear the Halloween theme song playing. His parents' were watching a horror movie. He started down the rest of the stairs. As he reached the living room floor, he could see clearly what was going on in the movie. He saw a man in a white mask with a knife in his hands, the same one Marvin took from the kitchen, chasin g a older lady in a school. He started toward the couch. He held the knife in the air, ready to strike once he got to his dad. Marvin could hear his heart punding really fast 

Boom, boom, boom. 

Once he reached the couch, he grabbed his dad by his hair and cut the back of his neck. The mom didn't notice what had happened untill the dad fell off the couch onto the floor. She saw the huge cut on the back of the dad's neck, blood spilling out, covering the floor where his lifeless body lay. She got up off the couch and screamed. She then looked at Marvin with the bloddy kniofe in his hands, blood dripping off the knife. 

"Why did you kill your dad?" the mom asked. 

"Because he is a jerk. And so are you." He then pulled out the 9mm out of his pocket, cocked it, and aimed it at his mother. 

"Marvin, plaese don't do this." the mom pleaded. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to." 


"Sorry mother." He aimed the gun at her and pulled the trigger. She fell to the floor, avoiding the bullet. The bullet hit an electrical outlet. It started a masive fire, burning the curtains above the outlet, burning magazines on the end table, while smoke filled the whole room. The fire alarm started beeping. There was a scream from upstairs. The mom ran toward the stairs. Marvin ran after his, and shot her in the head as she was on the stari platform. Blood splattered all over the walls. Marvin ran up the stairs, stepping on his mom's body, and ran to Jenny's room. When he got into her room, he punched her in the eye, pushed her off her bed, and shot her in the leg. Jenny sctreamed. When she looked at her brother, she saw he had a big smile on his face. There was a roll if thunder and a flash of lightning. 

"I told you not to scream!" 

"I'm...I'm sor.....sorry." Jenny pleaded. 

"Sorry isn't enough!" He spit on his sister. "Now I have to find a way to clean the fingerprints off of the gun and the knife. He ran into the bathroom in Jenny's room, opened up her bathroom closet, and started rummiging through it. Once he found the pack of wipes, he grabbed on from the pack and cleaned off the handle and dropped it on the floor near Jenny. Marvin could clearly smell the smoke coming from the living room.He took the pack of wipes and ran out of her room and headed toward the stairs. Once he got to the top, the whole livin groom was pitch dark. He went to step on one of the steps, but he missed and tumbled down the stairwell. When he hit the platform, he got up and started groping the wall and the railing, but he tripped over his mom's corpse, fell, and wacked his head off of the wall. He then tumbled down the rest of the stairs. He heard a faint sound from towns. It was the sound of sirens. He had to get rid of the evidence fast. He tried running into the kitchen, but he tripped over the glass coffee table, fell, and broke the glass on the coffee table. Once that happened, he had a plan. He could make it look like there was a break-in. He brought himself up off of the floor, grabbed the knife, aimed it at his shoulder, and ran as fast as he could in the pitch black. While he was running, he could hear the sirens coming closer. All of a sudden, he hit a wall and the knife sunk into his shoulder. He pulled it out, and he could feel blood running down his arm. He finally found the doors that lead into the kitchen. Once he walked in, he automatically knew where the sink was. Once he reached the sink, he crouched down and opened he cabinet doors. He grabbed everything in there untill he could feel rubber gloves. He grabbeds two, put them on his hands, shut the cabinet doors, turned on the water for the sink, and started getting rid of the evidence. Once he thought he was done, he tried running into the living room, but instead ran into the glass doors that lead out into the backyard. He grabbed his gun and smashed the glass. Then he ran into the basement. When he shut the basement door, he was able too see clearer than before. He ran down the stairs, headed toward the boiler room, opened the door, and buried the gun, knife, and gloves into the ashes that were in the boiler room. The sirens were getting closer. He shut the boiler room door, ran up the stairs, and reached the kitchen. He shut the door and ran into the living room. He heard the police and everyone else at the door. He fell onto the floor and waited for the police to come in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2013 ⏰

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