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Two cats
stood in Froststar's den.
Ravenstep and I. I didn't think I'd ever be there, and certainly not with him.
But a lot of things were happening that I'd never expected.

Froststar had been awake before Ravenstep asked if he could enter her den, but she was still in her nest. Nightpaw followed the tall black warrior into her leader's den, squinting in the dim light.

Nightpaw wondered how Froststar could possibly see in the darkness, but then remembered her leader's impressive eyesight.

Her eyesight is perfect just like everything else about her is. No wonder she's our leader.

"Froststar," Ravenstep said, nodding respectfully to his leader as Nightpaw, beside him, did the same, "we have a request. And important news."

Froststar twitched her left ear, a sign for Ravenstep to continue. He did, speaking quickly.

"Silverleaf is gone. Silverleaf is gone and we need permission to go look for her, as soon as possible. Myself and Nightpaw and another warrior at least—"

"And Puddlepaw," Nightpaw said, regretting her words the second they left her mouth but knowing she would want her friend to come with her. To help her and to observe Ravenstep, possibly gain more information on what had happened to Blackpaw.

Froststar nodded. "Do you have any particular warriors in mind?"

Ravenstep shook her head. Froststar nodded.

"Rosepool shall go with you," the white she-cat mewed, "this can be her first official warrior task, since she was unable to guard the camp the night of her ceremony."

In that moment, Nightpaw barely cared that the ginger she-cat would be part of the search party. She only cared that they leave as soon as possible. Every moment they spent waiting to go, Silverleaf was getting farther and farther away.

Ravenstep bowed his head and Nightpaw mirrored his movement. "Thank you, Froststar," he said, and Nightpaw echoed him, her voice small.

"Thank you, Froststar. We have to find her."

"Rosepool is an excellent tracker," Froststar said, "and this will be a valuable experience for both you and Puddlepaw. Your mentors have taught you tracking well, have they not?"

Nightpaw nodded. Silverleaf had taught her how to find scents and follow pawsteps. Hopefully her mentor's lessons would aid Nightpaw now.

"Thank you, Froststar," Ravenstep mewed again, and he turned and left the leader's den, Nightpaw behind him. She padded off to the Medicine Cat's den to retrieve her friend.

"Puddlepaw," she said breathlessly, "Silverleaf is missing and we're going to find her. Me and you and Ravenstep and Rosepool. We're leaving now."

Puddlepaw's dark green eyes widened and he nodded, standing. Dawnpaw was still asleep by Blackpaw's side, but the pale gray apprentice moved slightly at the noise, although she did not wake.

Puddlepaw and Nightpaw met Ravenstep in the center of the clearing. He had already fetched Rosepool, and the ginger she-cat nodded at Nightpaw and Puddlepaw as they approached.

Perhaps she'll be less annoying now that she's a warrior, Nightpaw thought.

"Get something to eat," Ravenstep instructed, and all three other cats dashed off to the fresh-kill pile.

Nightpaw returned with a small mouse and ate it as Ravenstep talked to his three traveling companions, apparently too nervous to eat.

"We're going past the river, toward the mountains. To the part of the forest that's mostly pine trees. I have a feeling Silverleaf snuck out through the back entrance of the camp, the one behind the Medicine Cat's den, since it's less likely she'd be seen if she left from there. The pine trees will disguise her scent, which will make her more difficult to track, but I know she knows this."

Nightpaw did not know that, and was grateful Ravenstep was more certain of Silverleaf's possible whereabouts than she was.

"She might've gone through the river itself," Ravenstep said, "unlikely, but it would be another way for her to disguise her scent. We'll figure it out once we get there. Done?"

Nightpaw nodded, as did Puddlepaw and Rosepool. All four cats approached the Medicine Cat's den and, as Ravenstep had predicted, caught Silverleaf's scent on the bushes almost completely blocking the exit behind the den.

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