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A/N: Hi! No one's probably going to read this, so i dont know why im uploading, but i guess i just will anyways! if you like the titanic, one direction, and larry stylinson, then hopefully youll love this! feedback is appreciated! :) sorry its a bit boring so far, i had to introduce the characters and the situation haha but i promise itll get much more exciting later! :) and please please PLEASE watch the larry video i posted on the right, it was so beautiful that it made me cry and it was what inspired me to write a fanfic in the first place! shanks guyss!
Also, I don't own anything or anyone mentioned in this story :)

IMPORTANT NOTE: I wrote this fic when I was a freshman in high school. That was in 2011/2012. It is now 2014. For this reason, I would like to apologize PROFUSELY for the sheer amount of carroty-ness and dorkiness in this entire story. Please do not judge my level of writing skill by this story, seeing as I clearly had no idea what I was doing when I wrote any of this, and I assure you that my writing right now is not as terrible as it was when I wrote this story. Thanks :)))


WARNING: Major character death


"Harry..." Zayn groaned. "I really don't want to do this." Harry rolled his eyes as he pulled Zayn over to the table and lightly pushed him down into a chair. They were sitting in a café right on the dock where the famous Titanic was about to set sail for the first time. They had planned to just sit, relax, eat and watch the event, which was pretty major, as news crews were everywhere documenting the historical moment. Harry even planned on drawing the ship in his precious sketchbook, which he carried around everywhere. But when two drunken men challenged the young boys to a game of poker, Harry Styles couldn't refuse. Especially when they decided to give up two tickets to board the Titanic to Harry and Zayn if they lost. "Zayn, calm yourself. It's one card game. So what if they get our money if they win? No big deal." Zayn's eyes widened. "No big deal?!" he practically shouted. "Harry, we're already living on the streets! We can't just bet all of our money on a card game! We could lose everything and end up worse off than we already are!" Harry snorted. "You've got to calm down, man. Come on. You've got to take chances, or else you're not living. Just close your eyes and enjoy the rollercoaster that is life! Where's the fun in you? Where's the adventure? I mean if we win, we'll get tickets to cruise on the famous Titanic for a week! For free! The first unsinkable ship the world has ever seen! It's legendary! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Zayn Malik. Face it, we're not the richest people around. We'd never be able to afford tickets, but here they are practically being handed to us! I don't care what you say, we're playing." Zayn sighed. "I know, Haz. But we can't just-"

"Zayn. Trust me. It'll be great and it'll all turn out fine." Harry interrupted him. He then leaned forward and muttered in Zayn's ear, "I can't believe these idiots are betting their tickets in the first place. Dumbasses." That got a chuckle out of Zayn, and Harry smirked, knowing that Zayn wouldn't protest to the idea anymore. "Well boys," Harry said to their two opponents. "Let's play."


"Louis, you're slowing us down. Walk faster." Louis' father called over his shoulder as he walked down the dock. Louis rolled his eyes and sighed. Why was this such a big deal? Why was his father making him come on this business trip with him? Louis didn't want to board this stupid boat that was made in one of his father's (and soon to be his) factories that his father was so proud of, no matter how "unsinkable" it was. He didn't want to learn about the Tomlinson Boating Company, and industry and shipbuilding or anything to do with boats really, even if it was the family business. And he especially didn't want to sit through his father's lectures on how important it was for Louis to take charge of their shipbuilding company one day and take on the responsibilities that had been passed through generations and be successful and blah blah blah. Louis stood to one side and watched people walk by, struggling with his and his father's (but mostly his father's) heavy baggage as he scoffed. Oh Father. He loved his father, he really did. It's just that his dad sometimes got a bit.... arrogant. Just because he might make a bit more money than most of society and just because they're "first class citizens" and all that bullshit, Mr. Tomlinson didn't give the time of day to anyone who wasn't of his same social status. Louis would never admit this of course, but to be completely honest, he didn't want to be thought of as just another spoiled kid from a rich family. He surely didn't think of himself that way. But he knew society all too well, and he knew that people loved to judge. He'd rather be a dirt-poor peasant than the lone heir to a huge successful corporation that made millions and millions a year. It was just too much pressure. Louis looked out onto the ocean, wishing he could somehow escape this life. Why couldn't he just have the guts to run away? To just leave and travel the world like he had always wanted to, and study music? Ever since he was a child, he had always wanted to be a musician; it was his life dream. But nobody cared about what he wanted. He felt like he was going in circles, with no freedom. He was stuck having to take on his family's business when he'd rather do just about anything else, but his father wouldn't listen to him. Louis just didn't have a say in anything anymore. Louis laughed bitterly to himself. It wasn't like he ever did anyways. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about how he wished that his mum and four sisters were there with him. They would have been, if his parents hadn't split the year before. Now he was stuck with just his dad, who he had never been very close to. Mr. Tomlinson was always at work and barely ever home. He had been dreading this moment for the greater part of his 20 years. Louis knew that his father was going to retire someday, and that Louis would have to take over. He didn't care, and he didn't like pretending that he did. But he had to. He had no other choice. He never had any choices. He always had to do what his father said, and he learned early on that arguing with his father was useless. It just made things worse. Louis' wistfulness was interrupted when he heard his father yell from the deck of the boat. "Louis! I told you to hurry up! The boat's going to leave in five minutes!" Louis furrowed his eyebrows in frustration. He began walking up the dock, to the ramp, slowly dragging his feet along. He felt like he was walking straight toward his death. Every part of him was screaming to turn around and run for it, but with his father's eyes on him, he wouldn't dare. As he walked up the ramp, he looked at the name on the side of the ship, the name of the place that was going to literally be Louis' hell that entire week, the ship where Louis was going to be forced to be "trained" into a business owner by his cocky, strict father, the place where Louis' life was going to be changed forever.

The Titanic.


"ZAYN! WE DID IT! WE WON! WE'RE SAILING ON THE TITANIC!" Harry shouted in excitement, tackling his friend in a monster hug. He knew they'd win, there wasn't a doubt in his mind. "I know Haz! Who would've thought..." Zayn trailed off when a whistle was blown outside. They looked out the window and saw a man walking down the dock with a megaphone. "Last call to board the Titanic. We will be setting sail in five minutes exactly. I repeat, Last call to board the Titanic. Get on now or be left behind." Harry and Zayn looked at each other with wide eyes. "Shit," Harry muttered as they jumped up, Zayn grabbing their tickets off of the table. "So long boys! Have fun NOT cruising on the most magnificent ship in the world!" Harry called back to the two stunned drunks as they ran out the door of the café. Both boys laughed as they ran down the dock, up the ramp, and onto the boat, oblivious to the fact that the second they stepped onto the Titanic, their lives would be turned upside down.

I'll Never Let You Go - A Titanic Based Love Story (Larry)Where stories live. Discover now