Chapter 4

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A/N: Enjoy lovelies! :) I'm planning to add a bit of Ziall soon, woohooo! all of the boys WILL be in this fic, some will turn up sooner, others later. 

Chapter 4

*A few hours later*


"You what?" Louis asked between giggles, doing all he could to stop himself from doubling over with laughter. Harry's cheeks flushed. "Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. Laugh it up," he muttered. "Sorry Haz, I just can't believe you'd dress up like a cat and run around pretending you were a superhero!" Louis said, laughing. "Okay well the idea was that I'd be like Batman! You know, the whole animal thing...I called myself Catman..." And that did it. Louis exploded into laughter, smiling wide, his eyes sparkling. Harry blushed even harder. "You asked for my most embarrassing moments as a child and I answered! Stop laughing," Harry said, pouting. And man, did he look absolutely adorable. "I-I'm just picturing you," Louis gasped between laughs, "in little cat ears, yelling 'CATMAN WILL SAVE YOU!' to everyone you saw!"

"At least I didn't throw up carrots into my mother's mouth!"

Louis stopped laughing. "I was a baby! It's not like I could've done anything about it...Besides, it's not my fault that my mum goes around telling that story to everyone she knows!" Harry smirked at Louis' defensiveness. Louis rolled his eyes. On the outside, he looked annoyed, but on the inside, he was screaming and jumping with joy. Him and Harry had been talking for hours, about absolutely everything. They talked about embarrassing moments, hopes, dreams, childhoods, secrets, their families, just everything. He found out that Harry loves the beach, traveling, and drawing, and they planned to travel the world together someday. A plan that Louis was sure was just thought of as a joke, but inside, he hoped Harry was serious about it and that they actually would. He had promised, after all. He smiled up at the 18 year old, happy and content for the first time in years. Harry just ignited something in him, and made him happy. He was really, really beautiful, inside and out. Louis liked Harry even more after getting to know him properly, if that was even possible, and every part of him ached with the hope that Harry felt the same way. And Louis liked Harry even MORE when he told him that he was bisexual. At this confession, Louis revealed to Harry that he was gay, and they both stood in silence, a bit shocked. Both had assumed the other was straight, and after a bit of an awkward pause (throughout which Louis was having a full on party in his head, he was so happy. He DID have a chance!) they continued talking. It had been a perfect afternoon, and life was better than he had ever thought it could've been. The two boys stood there, smiling, as they looked into each other's eyes. Their smiles faded and the moment turned serious as Harry took a step toward Louis. Louis swallowed, feeling as though his heart had jumped all the way up to his throat, then fell all the way back down to his feet. Harry's bright, fiery emerald eyes were burning holes into his, and he couldn't speak. He couldn't even think, as Harry moved even closer. His mind went blank, except for the constant Oh my god oh my god oh my god as Louis freaked out. And no, he wasn't a 16-year-old girl, so stop thinking that. He was just a bit....nervous, that was all. Harry kept moving closer to Louis until their noses were almost touching, and he moved his hand up and rested it on Louis' cheek. Louis was certain his cheeks were a flaming red by then, he couldn't even breathe. "Lou," Harry whispered, making Louis' stomach do somersaults. He loved it when Harry called him that, it made his heart beat even faster than it already was. Harry smiled, leaning in more, when-


The boys jumped apart, stepping back and awkwardly facing away from each other. Louis gulped. It was his dad.


Mr. Tomlinson eyed Harry angrily. "Louis William Tomlinson, what the HELL do you think you're doing here?!"

"Nothing, Dad, I was just hanging out with Harry here, and we were talking-"

"Oh cut the crap Louis. Shut it. We have much to discuss, you were supposed to meet me and an associate of mine for a meeting earlier! You're 40 minutes late, let's go." Louis turned to Harry, looking at him with wide eyes. Did his dad see them almost kiss?! The thought shocked Louis for a moment. Holy mother of God, Harry almost kissed him! His stomach bubbled up with happiness and he bit back a smile. His brief moment of glee faded when Mr. Tomlinson gave Harry a nasty look. "You better not be wearing THAT to the dinner tonight, boy. This isn't just one of your stupid third class parties. This is a formal dinner, and you must be dressed accordingly." He gave Harry another disgusted once-over, and grabbed Louis' arm. Louis sighed in relief. His dad hadn't seen their almost-kiss. If he had, he'd be just about killing Louis right then and there, and probably Harry too. Mr. Tomlinson wasn't exactly accepting of those who weren't exactly like him. In other words, he was a homophobe. Sad, right? "Come, Louis," he said, and dragged Louis away. Louis looked back as he was being pulled away at a surprised Harry. "Sorry," he mouthed. Harry shook his head and smiled in a way of dismissing Louis' apology, and Louis grinned back. He watched Harry, smiling at him until his Dad pulled him around the corner.


Leave it to Mr. Tomlinson to ruin a perfect day. That bastard. Harry shut his eyes, thinking. How the hell was he supposed to get a suit for tonight's dinner? He had no way of attaining one. He didn't even own one in the first place. He decided that he'd just show up to the dinner in the clothes he was already wearing, and face Mr. Tomlinson's wrath. He couldn't do anything else about it. "Hey," he heard someone's voice say from behind him. He turned around. A young boy, probably only a year older than Harry, walked up to him, wearing clothes that clearly showed his first-class status. His smile was friendly and sincere though, and Harry knew this boy wasn't about to mock him. He stuck his hand out. "Liam Payne. It's a pleasure," he introduced himself. Harry shook Liam's hand. "Harry Styles, same to you."

"So I saw all that, excuse me for eavesdropping, and you seem like a really nice guy. I would honestly hate for you to walk into that dinner not dressed like one of them. If you're not, they'll eat you alive," Liam emphasized the word 'them' as if they were an enemy or a cult, and Harry laughed. He decided he liked Liam. "You do have something to wear, right?" Harry grimaced. "Unfortunately not. I guess I'm going like this." Liam's eyes widened in shock. "Oh no you're not. Believe me, I am not exaggerating when I say that they'll rip you to pieces!" He checked his watch. "We have two hours until the business dinner. Come with me," he said, grabbing Harry's arm. "Wait," Harry said, "How do you know when my dinner is?" Liam smiled. "Because," he paused, "I am the oh so 'important' man they are meeting to discuss branching out their company," he said casually, as if it was nothing. Harry's eyes widened. "You?" he exclaimed. "But you're so young!" Liam grimaced. "I know. I was forced into this. My father decided he wanted to spend the rest of his life on golf courses and traveling to exotic places. He dumped everything on me, which is exactly what Louis Tomlinson's father will do to him. And trust me, it is just about the worst thing that could ever happen to anybody. I can't do anything anymore, I can't go anywhere, I don't even get to see my friends. That poor boy already thinks it's going to be bad, I can tell. But he has no idea what he's really in for, it's a lot worse than you'd think. But I've managed, I guess. It's not like I have a choice," Liam said sadly. Harry's eyes widened even more. Was it that bad? Oh god, is that how Louis felt? Is that why he was so upset? He couldn't let that happen to Louis. He'd be turned into a robot. He had probably never been given the chance to have fun growing up, either. An overwhelming wave of sadness hit Harry as he realized that this was most likely Louis' last week before he'd be thrust into the cruel adult world. Harry gritted his teeth. No. Not if he had anything to do with it. He'd save Louis, and he'd protect him. He'd look after Louis, even if Louis WAS older, and he'd teach him how to have fun and how to live, and he'd somehow get Louis out of having to take over the Tomlinson family business. Liam watched Harry curiously. "Okay," he said, to fill the awkward silence. "Enough standing around. We've got to get you into some clothes." And with that, Liam grabbed Harry's arm and led him away.

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