Chapter 12

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A/N: oh my godddd so this is also a favorite chapter of mine, gahh jskseishd i love it! i kept rereading it haha cus i loved it so much! hope you love it too :) 

Chapter 12 


Ok. Um. What?  

This was not real life. Louis was sure of it. Looking into Harry's beautiful, sparkling green eyes, sitting on that bench with the boy who loved him back, everything was too good to be true. Harry was grinning at him, perfect, shiny, messy curls, lips pink and plump, teeth pearly white, the late afternoon sun shining on his eyes and making them look so green and clear and gorgeous...Harry just kissed him TWICE...and told him that he loved him...he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face as soon as Harry had said those three little words; he felt like his face was about to split in two. He felt like the luckiest person in the world, he had never been so happy. They just sat there and grinned stupidly at each other, Louis not wanting to speak because he felt like he'd ruin the beautiful moment. He never wanted it to end. Harry looked down and slipped Louis' slender hand in his large, rough one, lifting their interlocked hands (Louis' hand facing him) and kissed Louis' hand, looking into Louis' eyes the entire time. Louis blushed under the intensity of Harry's gaze. Why was this boy so bloody damn hot? It honestly wasn't okay...he couldn't believe Harry loved him back. Harry, seeing Louis blush, chuckled. "So..." Harry said in his rough, slow voice, rubbing circles on Louis' hand with his thumb. "What do you want to do Lou?" The second Harry finished his sentence, Louis' stomach grumbled. Harry laughed. What a beautiful, perfect laugh. "I guess that answers that question then," Harry said. "I promised Liam you and me would hang out with him today, but that was before all of the...earlier drama....I think I'll talk to him now, we can stop by his room. We can all go grab dinner together. I'll tell Zayn and Niall too." 

"Sounds perfect to me," Louis said, smiling.  

*1 hour later* 

Louis and Harry walked into a restaurant on the third class floor, holding hands, looking for the table that Niall and Zayn had already gotten. "Hope you don't mind eating down here Lou. I can't really afford anything better," Harry said sadly. "It's fine Haz. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." 

"No Lou, it actually upsets me. I have nothing to give you, I can't. I'm poor, I have nothing to offer." 

Louis pecked Harry on the cheek. "You've given me the pleasure to know you. You've given me your love. That alone is enough." Harry looked at Louis through his eyelashes, his green eyes soft. "I love you so much." 

"I love you too babe." 

"OI! You guys just gonna stand there and make googoo eyes at each other or are you gonna come and eat with us?!" Niall yelled across the room, Zayn laughing. Harry and Louis jumped; they had forgotten there were other people around. They were so easily wrapped in their own little bubble. Blushing, they walked over to the table. "Took you long enough!" Zayn said, clapping Louis on the back, who took a seat next to him. "So where's this Liam bloke at?"  

"Should be here any minute now," Harry said, and as if right on cue, Liam walked into the restaurant. He looked quite confused; he probably had never been to a restaurant that wasn't first class. He was dressed quite simply though, in jeans and a plaid shirt. He had been mortified when Harry and Louis told him to dress casual, just like Louis had been when Harry told him as well while they were on their way to Liam's room. "'s a dinner! You can't wear regular clothes to dinner!" Liam had said, shocked. Louis then laughed, and had said "I had thought the same thing, Liam, until Harry told me too. Their dinners don't work like ours." Now, Liam was standing near the entrance, looking around for Harry and Louis. "Liam!" Harry called, and Liam finally found them, smiling wide when he saw the familiar faces. He walked over to them and hugged Harry and Louis. "Hey guys, how's it going?" he asked happily. "This place is...different...from what I'm used to. But in a good way. I think I like it better. The people here seem nicer, and more relaxed too." Harry chuckled. "I'm glad you like it, Li." He gestured to Zayn and Niall, who stood up. "Liam, I'd like to introduce you to two of our best mates, Zayn Malik and his boyfriend Niall Horan. Guys, this is Liam Payne." They all shook hands, while Louis' eyes widened in shock as he looked back and forth between Zayn and Niall. "Boyfriend? So it's official now?!"  

"Yeah, since this morning," Zayn said, grabbing the little blonde one's hand, who was smiling happily. Louis playfully slapped Harry's shoulder. "Haz why didn't you tell me?!" Harry laughed. "Jeez, cut the sass, Tomlinson. I forgot," he said, smiling mischievously as he ruffled Louis' hair. The group laughed as they sat down. Liam and Zayn and Niall got along well, and quickly became fast friends, which Louis was very happy about. They ordered, and began talking about football and music and their favorite songs. "Personally, I really like Look After You by The Fray," Louis said. "Love that song!" Zayn said, high fiving Louis. "The tune is amazing," Niall said and Liam nodded his head in agreement, and that was when Harry began to sing the song.  

Louis had heard Harry sing once before, but he had been to angry that time to really pay attention. But this time...oh wow. It had a really rocky tone, and was low and gravelly and beyond sexy...he just had to sing along, he couldn't help himself. When Louis began to sing with Harry, the others stopped talking and began to listen, and then Zayn joined in, with a high, crystal clear voice. Liam began to sing along next, with his soft, deep 

tone, and Niall joined last with a loud, sweet melody. They sang the song together all the way through, smiling and just having one of those amazing moments with friends that are just too good to describe. "And I'll look after you," they all finished. They hadn't realized that everyone in the restaurant had fallen silent, listening to them sing until the very last note, when the the entire room began to clap for them. The boys looked at each other in shock. "Woah..." Louis muttered. "We were...good." Liam said softly, astonished. "We were REALLY good, are you kidding?! That was brilliant, guys! Everyone clapped for us!" Zayn said. Niall 

laughed and put his arm around his boyfriend. "Maybe we should do this for a living. We can form a band!" he said, eyes twinkling. Harry laughed. "Alright Nialler, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Like that could ever happen." Liam scoffed. "Yeah, not in a million years." Louis smiled and took Harry's hand. "The five of us would make a pretty good team though," he said. "Yeah. Yeah we would. And we do now," Harry said, squeezing Louis' hand and the others agreed as well, as the food arrived. Louis grinned at all of them, everyone smiling, eating, talking, and laughing. He couldn't ask for better friends. Then he looked to his side at Harry, still holding his hand, who seemed to be thinking the same thing. His eyes twinkled as he beamed at Louis, and Louis poked his dimple. "Aww look at that dimple Haz,"  

"Stoooop," Harry whined, pushing Louis' hand away and fake pouting. Louis just smiled at him lovingly, wondering how he got so lucky.

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