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A/N: and this is the end of ill never let you go :,( its not edited yet, but ill edit it soon, so ignore the mistakes :) i dont want it to end, it was so fun to write, and thank you for all the reads and votes! love you guys :,) so i will be writing another larry fic verrrrry soon, so stick around :D this one will be less depressing, i promise haha. so anyways, heres the epilogue, i hope you like it! :) 

Parts of Safe and Sound (music video on the right) fit so unbelievably PERFECTLY with this story, especially in chapters 18 and 20. listen!! :D xx



*70 years later* 



The heart monitor in the hospital was steadily keeping track of Liam's heartbeats, the noise getting quite annoying after a while. 

He never really did like hospitals. They always annoyed him. He could take care of himself.  

But apparently, his family didn't think that people with rare heart diseases could handle themselves on their own. 

Liam sometimes thought back about what happened on the Titanic. He sometimes looked back, but he tried to only think about the good times. Thinking about...everything else...that had happened never did him any good. It left him feeling panicky, guilty, and with a high blood pressure. 

Yes, Liam had moved on with his Life after that fateful day so many years ago.  

Yes, he married and had children and lived what most would consider to be a very comfortable, good life. 

Yes, he loved his wife and his children with everything he had. 

Yes he grew closer to some new friends he had made when he went back to Uni to study more and take his mind off of things a week after the sinking. 

No, they could never replace the lads. 

No, Liam never forgot anything. 


He remembered everything about the boys: their voices, faces, likes, dislikes, favorite music, lives....he never did end up forgetting. The information had cemented into his brain. 

He did often wish that he could forget...the bad parts, that is. He only wanted to be left with the best memories that he had of being with those four wonderful boys for such a short time. 

But your mind doesn't let you forget things that you want to forget. 

However, lying sick and bored in the hospital, Liam's thoughts did wander. He couldn't help but recollect the last few words he had spoken to the other lads, the nerves and panic hitting him when he had waited for ages for a lifeboat and they hadn't shown up, the heartbreak when he saw two of his best friends floating in the water, dead. Those had probably been the most traumatic two hours he had ever experienced...he was scarred for life. He never did find out what had happened to Zayn and Niall...he had searched everywhere for them, looked up their names, asked everyone he could; he did everything, yet to no avail. When he had finally come to the realization that they were most likely...gone....as well, Liam had had another breakdown. He grimaced thinking about it. The heart monitor started beeping faster. He needed to calm down. Liam pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his wrinkly, trembling hands, and laid his head back to rest on the pillow, staring up at the white hospital ceiling. 

And then there were the good times. 

Meeting Harry for the first time and having dinner with him and Louis. 

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