Chapter 16

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A/N: hi guys! well its friday, which means im gonna be uploading a lot more and a lot faster this weekend! let me know what you think of this chapter, more will be written verrry soon i promise! lovelovelove youuu

Chapter 16 



No no no no no no no. 



The fucking retarded ass officer had a tight grip on Harry's arms, literally having to drag him backwards along the hall and down stairways because Harry was putting up such a fight, but the man's grip didn't loosen once.  

Damn Louis' dad to hell for eternity. 

It wasn't the fact that he was about to die that upset him so much. It was Louis. He wanted to make sure Louis was safe and happy, he didn't know how much more of Mr. Tomlinson's abuse Louis could take. Harry was there to stop him last time he tried to do something drastic...but now Harry won't be there. Harry's eyes welled up with tears as he was being dragged. He had promised himself that he would save Louis, and that he would protect him, but now, Mr. Tomlinson made him break that promise. He won't be there anymore 

to look after Louis, he won't BE with Louis anymore. He won't be. And these thoughts were what killed him inside, ripped his heart into a million pieces and made his gut feel as though it was going to explode. Finally, after a long time, the officer made it to the bottom deck, which had about half a foot of water covering the floor, the door looking a bit sideways. Harry was confused; why was the door tilted? 

Then it hit him. 

Right. The ship was sinking. It was beginning to tilt. 

Well fuck. 

The officer threw open the door and kicked Harry inside, then quickly turned and locked the door behind him with lightning speed. Harry's mind was racing; he was contemplating tackling the man and taking his keys. But before he could even take another breath, the officer whipped around, gun in hand. "Now," he drawled slowly, "This gun is loaded and I'm not afraid to use it. Sit down." He gestured to a small wooden chair, and Harry sat down slowly, eyes narrowed. Forget that plan then. "I was thinking, Styles," the officer began again, sneering, "that you wouldn't want to die by drowning. You'd want it to be nice and quick, am 

I right?" Harry sat silent, showing no emotion except for the few tears slowly trickling down his cheeks. "That's what I thought," the officer said. He walked slowly over to Harry. "You should be grateful. I'm doing you a favor. This way, you won't suffer. You should be thanking me," he said quietly. He pushed the tip of the gun to Harry's temple hard, the metal feeling cold on Harry's skin. The tears were pouring now, yet Harry made no sound, showed no weakness. If he was going to die, he was going to die putting on a brave face. "Goodbye, Styles," the officer whispered, jeering. "Enjoy your eternity in hell, faggot." 

The sound of a gunshot reverbated around the room. 

Harry's tears stopped, his breath caught; and then there was no noise. 

Everything went silent. Still. Cold. 



Zayn and Niall were cuddled on Zayn's bed, just talking and laughing. Niall's head was resting on Zayn's 

chest, and Zayn's arm was wrapped securely around Niall's waist. Life was perfect; NIALL was perfect. "Fancy going on a walk around deck babe?" Niall looked up at his boyfriend and smiled eagerly, nodding in the most adorable way. Zayn grinned back at him. He was so beautiful, indescribable. He was amazing. They stood up and made their way to the door. The second they opened it, about a foot of cold water rushed over their feet. Zayn and Niall stared at the floor, shocked. They looked at each other, then quickly ran out into the hallway.  

The sight that met Zayn's eyes was absolutely devastating. 

People were running everywhere, looking for family members, shrieking, sobbing. Life jackets were being tossed about, and two were thrown at Niall and Zayn. The boys paled. 

Oh no. 

"Excuse me," Zayn stopped a crew member handing out life jackets. "What's happening?" The man looked at Zayn pitifully. "My boy, the ship 

is sinking," he said softly before hurrying away. Zayn turned around and grabbed Niall's hand whose eyes were wide with fear. "What?" Niall whispered. "Oh my GOD," Zayn muttered. "No this can't be happening." He looked at Niall for a moment. "Niall, put on the life jacket. Now," he demanded. Niall obeyed, and Zayn started pulling his on as well. Once they were both in their life jackets, Niall took Zayn's hand again, holding onto it for dear life. 

"Zayn...what are we going to do?" Niall asked weakly. "We need to go tell the boys. Now." Zayn answered. Niall moved his chin up in a small nod, and together, they ran down the corridor, pushing through masses of people. When they reached the stairs, they saw that there were locked gates pulled in front of them, stopping anyone from getting through. A crew member was standing on the other side. People were pushing against the gate, screaming for the crew member to let them through. "I can't do that!" he was yelling. "You can't go up there 

until first class passengers are 

all loaded onto lifeboats!" Niall looked to Zayn, trembling. "Well," he whispered. "Guess that means Louis and Liam are up there already. Harry too because he was with Louis."  

Zayn's eyes watered. "They're 

safe then. That's good," he said. They stood there in silence for a 

moment. "Zayn, what about us?" Niall asked, his voice cracking as he tightened his grip on Zayn's hand even more, almost stopping Zayn's circulation. Zayn looked at their interlocked hands, then at the blonde boy's beautiful face, currently contorted with fear and dread. His jaw clenched in determination. He had to somehow get on deck, if not for himself, then for Niall. He couldn't, no he WOULDN'T, let anything happen to Niall. A sudden anger erupted in him at the thought of Niall getting hurt, and he pulled Niall with him as he began to sprint for the stairs.They pushed up through the people to the front of the gates, Zayn throwing everyone out of his way. He grabbed the gates like they were prison bars, and started shaking them violently. "LET US OUT!" he screamed in rage, kicking the gates for good measure. The crew member just ignored them while Zayn continued to kick and scream, the other third class passengers joining in. 

And so the mad race to survive had begun.

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