Chapter 17

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A/N: hope you like this! gonna try and write another chapter tonight too :) enjoyyyy 

Chapter 17 


Harry had scrunched his eyes shut, waiting for the pain that was to come. 

Then the gun sounded. 

He scrunched his eyes even tighter. Then he heard something thump to the floor. 

What? Why wasn't he hurting? Didn't he just get shot? 

He slowly cracked one eye open, but the sight in front of him made him pop both eyes wide open in shock.  

The officer was lying face down on the floor, blood seeping through the back of his shirt. He snapped his head up, looking for whoever had shot his almost-murderer. His eyes widened even more.  

There, in the doorway, was none other than Caroline Flack, surrounded by other police officers. One of the officers was holding a gun, clearly just having shot the dead man. "You?" Harry whispered. Caroline smiled grimly. "Yes, me," she said. "Why?" he asked. Hadn't she been friends with Mr. Tomlinson? "I couldn't let Tomlinson do this to you. He never used to be like this, he was sane once. But he's completely mental now, doing all this...I couldn't let him kill someone innocent. And over the years, I have come to grow fond of little old Lou, and I couldn't let Tomlinson hurt him like this." 

Harry stood up and embraced Caroline, pecking her on the cheek. "Thank you so so much. You have no idea how much that meant to me." Caroline blushed. "No problem at all, honestly." 

"So where's Lou now?"  

"He's up on deck, waiting for a lifeboat with his father." 

"I need to find him-" 

"And we need to find his dad," one of the officers spoke up. "He attempted murder and had you kidnapped." 

Caroline nodded. "He can't get away with this," she agreed, "so let's get up there." They turned around and sloshed out the door, the water level being almost two feet now. "Shit that's cold," Harry muttered. They moved down the hall to a staircase as quickly as they could, only to find a huge mass of people on the stairs, screaming and cussing. "What's going on here?" an officer asked. When they reached the stairs, they saw that there was a gate pulled across the top, barring anyone from going through. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Harry yelled, pissed. He pushed his way up the stairs, Caroline and the officers following suit. At the top, he found Zayn, Niall, and some other men pounding at the gates, kicking and shouting. "ZAYN! NIALL!" Harry exclaimed. "Harry! We thought you were up on deck! Weren't you with Lou?!" Niall asked, hugging Harry tightly. "It's a long story," he said. "We need to get through. Now."  

"Oh trust me mate we'd have been long gone if this FUCKING GATE wasn't in the way," a fuming Zayn shouted. His face was turning red with anger. An officer pushed to the front of the gate, yelling to the crew member over the commotion. "We need to get through! Serious police business! Just let everyone through!" The crew member hesitate before sighing resignedly. He turned a key into the lock and opened it, and everyone rushed through. Zayn pulled Niall and they literally ran over the man; everyone stampeded onto the deck. Harry, the officers, and Caroline sprinted up to the top. Harry stopped Zayn and Niall near a bench on the deck, the officers and Caroline waiting impatiently behind him. The ship was tilting more as they spoke. "Listen, we need to find Mr. Tomlinson," he said. "We'll come too!" Zayn and Niall said. 

"No. You go find Liam, we'll catch up. Get on a boat. Hurry, this could be your only chance." 

"But what about-" 

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