Chapter 15

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A/N: Hi everyone! I really really hope you all like it, I've had more reads on this story than i ever thought I'd have and I'm glad the story's going well and extremely happy with it, so thank you to everyone reading! vote, fan, comment, message me your thoughts if you'd like! :) love you guisseeee

Chapter 15


The crew was silent, staring at the captain with wide eyes. "Wait..." a crew member spoke up. Heads whipped around to face him. "We have life boats! We can load everyone into the life boats!" The captain took another deep breath. "That's the worst part," he whispered. "There aren't enough."

The short man with the mustache started turning red with anger. "What the bloody hell do you mean, there aren't enough?! There has to be enough! For fuck's sake, why aren't there enough?!"

"The people building the ship decided that adding an appropriate number of lifeboats made the deck look cluttered...and besides, no one thought this ship could ever sink in the first place so they didn't think it was necessary. I tried to convince them to find room for more, but no one listened to me. We only have enough for 40% of those onboard..."

Louis' breath hitched. The crew began to shout and argue, but the sounds became muffled. Time seemed to freeze and everything became fuzzy. There was a low ringing in his ears, blocking out all other sound. Did the captain just say that the ship was going to sink?....What? He was dreaming. He had to be. The ship couldn't sink, it was the just couldn't. If it did...not everyone would make it...and that means...

Oh no.

The odds of him, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam all surviving were slim. 

The ship was HUGE. There were hundreds of people onboard...and only 40% will survive?

This can't be fucking happening. This has got to be some sick joke. A nightmare. Something.

Fuck everyone. Of course, when everything's perfect and he's finally happy, something happens to fuck everything up. He literally just officially got into a relationship not even two minutes ago. The universe just hated him. Nothing was sinking in, Louis was still in denial. He could faintly hear Harry calling his name, but didn't respond. He couldn't respond, his entire body was numb. 

Then it hit him.

He jumped in shock and turned to look at Harry with wide eyes, who was looking at Louis, concerned. "Harry," he whispered, his voice broken. "We're going to die."

Harry's eyes hardened with determination, and he clenched his jaw. "No. No we aren't Lou. We'll make it through this, all five of us."

"Harry, the chances are little to none. We're going to die. We won't survive."

"No we won't Louis!" Harry shouted aggressively, making Louis flinch. "That won't happen to us. Everything will turn out fine! We'll get off this ship. They just sent an SOS out on the radio to other ships that may be nearby to come and help us. We'll make it, they'll be here soon." Louis was still clenching Harry's hand, hard. " realisitic...." Louis whispered again, dejected and hopeless.

"Louis William Tomlinson. You're not giving up. We're going to try our damn hardest to get off this bloody ship and into a life boat if it's the last thing we do. And I don't want you arguing with me any more. We WILL make it. We're wasting time here arguing, we gotta go tell the lads,"

And with that, they ran down through the corridors, sprinting to Liam's room first, because it was the closest. When they reached the first class hallways, they saw crew members already handing out life jackets and telling everyone to go outside on deck, ignoring the questions people were shouting at them. The commotion was absolutely insane...apparently, news spreads around fast. Finally, they reached Liam's room. "LIAM!" Louis shouted frantically, banging on the door as hard as he could. His hand was still holding onto Harry's, tightly. No way in HELL was he letting go of his Haz. Especially not now. A minute passed and still Liam didn't answer. Harry began to bang on the door as well, yelling with Louis. Finally, Liam swung the door open, in his pajamas, bleary eyed and confused. "You woke me up, what the hell do you want?" 

"Liam, the ship is sinking. Get a lifejacket and get on deck as fast as you can, wait for a lifeboat, and get on one as soon as you can. There aren't enough for everyone. Me and Lou will head up right after we go get Zayn and Niall, no one's up there yet so we'll definitely be able to get on. Hurry, go now!" Harry explained quickly. Liam's eyes widened in fear. "Wait-" 

"LIAM GO NOW THIS ISN'T A JOKE WE'RE ALL FUCKING GOING TO DIE IF WE DON'T HURRY, GO!" Harry screamed. Clearly, he was as stressed as everyone else. Louis couldn't say a word. He couldn't speak. Tears were slowly streaming down his face; he had never been more terrified in his life. Liam stepped back in shock, opened his mouth to say something, then thought better of it and closed it again. He nodded, and as soon as he did, Harry was pulling Louis down the corridor. "Hurry, we gotta find Niall and Zayn!" They sprinted down flights of stairs to the third class floor, where they were surprised to see that no crew members were down there warning anyone. No one was handing out lifejackets, the floor was bare, save for a thin layer of water beginning to collect in the halls. They ran through the small puddles, looking for the number of Niall's room. "Fuck these idiots, I hate the whole first class gets to go first thing. S'not like the lives of first class passengers are any more important than the lives of the rest of us." Louis nodded in agreement, still unable to speak. They turned a corner when suddenly, they were face to face with Mr. Tomlinson and a ship security guard. As soon as they made eye contact, Mr. Tomlinson let out a noise of relief. He went and put his arm around his son's shoulders. "Louis! We've been looking for you everywhere, we were afraid we lost you! We thought you'd be down here on this floor with Styles, and what do you know, we were right! Listen, the ship is sinking. I have an arrangement with one of the crew members in charge of a lifeboat station and guaranteed us spots. Let's go." Before Louis could protest, Mr. Tomlinson turned to Harry. "And as for you," he said. "You're not allowed on deck, first class passengers are only permitted to go up there for now. You have to stay down here with the others....or better yet, why don't we give you a private room?" he sneered. He snapped his fingers at the police officer, who grabbed Harry and jerked his arms behind his back. Louis' hand was torn from Harry's, and Louis screamed. "No! Stop!"Harry struggled with the man, thrashing and attempting to kick him, but the man was much too large and strong. The police officer snapped handcuffs onto Harry's hands, and put the key in his pocket. "Let's go. You're going into the special room that we have reserved for you, our little office on the bottom floor," he mocked Harry, beginning to drag him away. "WHY?!" Harry screamed at Mr. Tomlinson, who was holding a struggling Louis back. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" His voice cracked as he spoke, and tears began to stream down his face, breaking Louis' heart. "LET HIM GO!" Louis screeched. "No, I think Mr. Styles would much rather stay down there for the rest of the night," Mr. Tomlinson responded firmly. "DAD YOU'LL KILL HIM YOU CAN'T DO THIS! AND YOU!" he yelled, turning to the police officer. "YOU'RE AN OFFICER! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE STOPPING THIS SORT OF THING!" The officer smirked. "There's nothing money can't buy, Louis," Mr. Tomlinson said gently. "YOU TOOK A BRIBE?!" Harry screamed at the police officer, who ignored him and continued dragging a writhing Harry away. "HARRY, NO! PLEASE DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY!" Louis shrieked, tears pouring down his face as he watched the boy he loved being taken straight to his death. "HE'LL DIE, DAD PLEASE STOP IT!" Mr. Tomlinson tightened his grip on Louis and began dragging him away in the opposite direction, while Louis was kicking him and trying to get out of his grip, never looking away from Harry. He couldn't let Harry go; this couldn't happen, it just couldn't. "LOUIS! LOUIS, I LOVE YOU," Harry called out, choking back sobs. "HAZ PLEASE DON'T DO THAT, DON'T SAY GOODBYE, YOU'RE NOT GONNA DIE, OKAY? YOU'LL BE FINE I PROMISE! I WON'T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU! I LOVE YOU HARRY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" he yelled back.

Ironic how just 15 minutes ago, Harry was the one comforting Louis and saying the same things to him.

Mr. Tomlinson slapped Louis in the face. "Shut up, you piece of shit. Let's go!" Louis started crying even harder. 

"OI, TOMLINSON! YEAH YOU, BIG GUY. YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. YOU DO NOT SLAP HIM IN THE FACE, YOU DO NOT HURT HIM AT ALL, UNDERSTAND? IF I'M GONNA DIE, AT LEAST MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY. DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM AGAIN WHEN I WON'T BE HERE TO CALL YOU OUT ON IT!" he screamed, even louder this time, because the officer was dragging him farther and farther. It was taking a while though, Harry was putting up quite a fight. Mr. Tomlinson just glared at Harry in response. A cold, hard glare. Finally, the officer reached the corner. Louis, now full on sobbing, wouldn't take his eyes off of his Harry. Harry, tears in his eyes, said one last thing before disappearing from view. "LOUIS, I LOVE YOU, NEVER FORGET THAT! PLEASE DON'T FORGET ME!" he screamed with all the might and passion he could muster.

And then the officer dragged him around the corner.

And Harry was gone.

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