Chapter 3

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A/N: Thanks to all my lovely readers! you're the best, love you all :) hope you're liking it, comment what you think, or message me!! fan me, ill fan back :) and please vote! thanks again xx

Chapter 3

*The following morning*


Why would Louis consider killing himself? He hadn't thought Louis was depressed...or upset in any way really. Plus, he's from a rich family! His father seemed to want to give him everything he wanted...why would he be unhappy? Harry crinkled his eyebrows as he leaned against the railing on the deck, looking up at the puffy white clouds. He was going to find out what had made Louis so unhappy. And he was going to fix it, if it was the last thing he did. Harry bit his lip, wondering why Louis made him feel so.... different. He had only had two conversations with the boy and he was already feeling very protective and couldn't stand to see him upset. What was going on?...Why has this beautiful boy affected him so much?


Louis wasn't just strolling around the deck that morning after breakfast. He was walking with a purpose. He was determined to find Harry Styles. Ever since the jumping "incident" the night before, Louis couldn't get Harry out of his head. Not that he hadn't already been thinking about Harry nonstop....It was just that when Harry convinced him to stay, when he told him not to jump, it seemed like he actually cared. He was the first person who sounded sincere when they talked about Louis' feelings and his happiness. No one else cared about him, no one else noticed him, no one else ever tried to help him in any way. His father never had. He had always felt alone. But this beautiful boy who he had only just met cared more than anyone else had. He wanted Louis to stay, he really wanted Louis to be happy and safe, he really wanted to be there for him. And that meant a lot to Louis, more than anyone would ever know. His attraction to the boy had multiplied into this overwhelming feeling. Even just thinking about Harry made him so happy. Suddenly, a mop of unruly, curly locks caught his eye, and his heart literally just stopped in his chest. Harry was standing not even ten feet away, leaning against the railing and looking up at the sky, deep in thought. An idea formed in Louis' head, causing the 20 year old's lips curl up into a sly smile. He tiptoed behind the curly boy and stood next to him, still going unnoticed. Wow. Whatever Harry was thinking about, he was thinking hard. Louis leaned over to Harry's ear, and slowly whispered, "What are you thinking about?" Harry's eyes went wide and he jumped, the shock on his face making him look so adorable that Louis wanted to pinch his cheeks. Louis let out a loud, ringing laugh. "Your face! That was priceless!" Harry blushed a deep tomato red. "Shut up, Tomlinson. You caught me off guard, that's all." Harry leaned against the railing again and waited until Louis' laughter died down. When Louis was calm again, he turned to Harry. "Sorry Haz. It was just too funny." Harry raised his eyebrows and his lips turned up in an amused smile. "Haz?" he asked. Now it was Louis' turn to blush. "Um...I just liked the name. If you'd rather have me call you Harry then-"

"No. I like it." Harry cut Louis off, smiling wide, dimples and all. "You're cute when you're nervous." Louis blushed even harder. Damn Styles. This was so embarrassing. Compose yourself, Louis. You were looking for him, and now you found him. Focus. Remember your purpose. "Okay Haz, I've been looking for you all morning." Harry grinned. "Well, here I am. What did you need?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to thank you, for everything. For stopping me, and for not telling my dad what had really happened. It means a lot."

Harry smiled adoringly at Louis. "It was no problem at all, Lou. Honestly. But...if you don't mind, I have a question for you."

Louis' eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "What is it?"

"If you don't mind me asking...and you certainly don't have to answer if you don't want to....Would you please tell me why?" Harry asked quietly. Louis frowned and took Harry's hand, leading him to a bench. "I just...I feel....I don't..." How was he supposed to explain everything to this strange, curious boy? He didn't have the words. He didn't know what to say. He couldn't. He couldn't tell Harry why. He would never understand.


Harry watched as Louis struggled to find the words. "Lou," he said softly, "You don't have to explain to me if you don't want to. I'm not forcing you to. I'm sorry," he apologized regretfully. He was still incredibly curious though. He wanted to kill whatever was making Louis feel this way. Harry watched as Louis clenched his jaw for a moment and waited for Louis to speak. Finally, Louis turned to him and said, "I was just stressed. My father wants me to take over our family business, and I felt a bit overwhelmed with all of the new responsibilities he told me I would have. I'm over it now, it was stupid really. I wasn't feeling well, but I'm fine now and I'm ready to take over." Harry raised his eyebrows. "Louis," he began softly, "do you really want to?"

"Excuse me?" Louis asked, surprised. "I said, do you really want to? Take over I mean. Is that what you really want to do with your life? Because I don't think you'd just want to jump off of a ship because you were stressed," Harry said gently, his eyes searching Louis' face for an answer. He could see in the smaller boy's eyes that he had dealt with a lot of pain. He knew, from the way Louis spoke about his father and the company, that he resented all of it, all of the business issues, anything that had to do with the business. Harry saw people, he really did. He could read them very, very well. And Louis wasn't an exception. Louis raised his eyebrows. "How dare you," he said, shocked. "I come looking for you to thank you, and all I get is your rude questions. This is none of your business, Styles. You can't just ask me that," Louis said, looking angry and frustrated. Harry lifted his hands up defensively. "Woah there, sorry. All I wanted was an answer, no need to get all worked up. Can't you just tell me?"

"You don't know me, and you don't know what I want. You can't expect me to answer that question, you're a stranger to me! What I do with my life is none of your business!"

Harry smirked. "I guess that's the answer to my question."

Louis was fuming. Harry wondered if he had taken it too far. He took a step closer to the lad. "Louis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push it, I just didn't think my question would affect you this much. I apologize."

Louis exhaled deeply, relaxing his shoulders. "It's alright. I'm sorry if I overreacted a bit."

"So we're good then!" Harry said with a grin. Louis smiled softly in response. Louis' smile was absolutely breathtaking. It was Harry's favorite thing about him, apart from his eyes. He wanted to get to know this boy better, this heir to a business empire, deep, dark secrets and all. He still hadn't gotten an explanation, but Harry let it go. He was certain that he would find out eventually. "So, Louis," Harry said slowly, letting Louis' name slowly roll off his tongue, then he paused. Louis waited for Harry to continue, expectant. Harry smiled cheekily, then winked. Time to turn on the charm, he thought. "Why don't we take a little walk around this ship, and you can tell me all about yourself, yeah?"

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