Chapter 9

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A/N: hello lovelies :) my last update for today! i might not be updating as often cus my first day of school is tomorrow, woohoooo :/ but im gonna try my hardest i promise! :) thanks for reading, let me know what you think! and ik ik i made lou's dad a dick, dont hate me please :,( this is absolutely nothing like his real father in any way, im not trying to imply that he is a bad person in real life at all i swear its only for the story. im sure hes lovely :) but every story needs a bad guy, right? alright well enjoy! love you lots xx

Chapter 9


When Louis opened his eyes in the morning, his bedside clock read 6:12AM. Wow. That was earlier than usual. Weird. He threw off his sheets and slid his feet into a pair of Toms, deciding to walk to their private deck and order breakfast. Rubbing his eyes, he walked out of his room and over to the deck, mind still hazy from sleep and his stomach rumbling. When he walked through the door, he found his father sitting at the table looking solemn, empty plates in front of him. He looked up when Louis walked in, and his features hardened. "Sit," he ordered. Louis, still bleary eyed and confused, didn't understand what was going on. "Good morning to you too," he mumbled, sitting down across from his dad. They sat in silence for a minute, Mr. Tomlinson staring daggers at his son, while breakfast was brought out. Louis had started drinking his Yorkshire tea and took a bite of egg when Mr. Tomlinson leaned forward and folded his arms on the table. "I'm not happy, Louis." Louis put his fork down and wiped his

mouth with a napkin. He was so lost, what the hell was his dad talking about? "Sorry dad, what?" he asked, putting his napkin down. "You didn't go to bed after dinner last night, did you? Don't lie to me." Mr. Tomlinson said to his son, softly but in a menacing tone. Louis swallowed nervously. "H-how did you-"

"That's not important," his dad said sternly, voice raised.

"But I want-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WANT!" Louis' father bellowed, standing up

out of his chair. "Louis. I won't have any of it, I'm telling you right now."

Louis cowered in his seat. "A-any what?" he whispered.


"Dad, I don't understand-"

"How could you do this to me?" Mr. Tomlinson whispered, pained. "You're my son. You can't be gay."

Louis paled. How did he find out?

"Wh-Who told you that?" he asked shakily.

"Let's say I just have my ways. I know you were at that party getting all cozy with him, Louis...and I don't want any more of that, you hear me? No son of mine will ever be gay."

"Why the fuck not, Dad?! Why can't I be gay?! It's who I am, you can't change me! What's wrong with you?! Just leave me alone!" Louis shouted, trembling with anger this time instead of fear.

Not a second later, Mr. Tomlinson's hands shot out and grabbed the small glass table, throwing it across the room. It broke into pieces, along with the china on it, and food splattered everywhere. "You listen to me, boy," Mr. Tomlinson hissed to a horrified Louis curled up in his chair, stepping towards him. "No Tomlinson has ever that. And that will not change. It will never change. You're just delusional, understand? You're confused. You're not homosexual. You don't know." Louis was glaring his father, pure hate radiating from his eyes, jaw clenched. Who was he to tell Louis what he is and what he is not? He can't read his mind, he doesn't KNOW Louis. If anyone's delusional, it's his father. What a pure idiotic asshole. Fucking bastard. Mr. Tomlinson began walking out the door before he turned around and narrowed his eyes at Louis once more. "And as for that Styles boy...that stupid ignorant cheap piece of filth," he began, and Louis began to see red. No one talked about his Hazza like that. NO one. "I never want you talking to him again, understand?" Louis scoffed. "You can't stop me," he said to his dad. Mr. Tomlinson took another step closer. "After you left last night, Caroline saw him snogging a girl. He took her to his room afterwards. He's not interested in you Louis, and I don't know why you'd want him to be. He's more interested in girls, not everyone thinks in the freakish way you do. You're not enough for him," he said sharply, uncaringly. Louis' jaw dropped. "He wouldn't," he whispered. "Oh but he did," Mr. Tomlinson shot back. And without another word, Mr. Tomlinson turned on his heels and walked away, leaving Louis sitting among broken bits of glass and scattered food, whose tears welling up in his eyes began to spill over.


Mr. Tomlinson smirked as he walked away from the deck where his son was sitting, trembling and crying like a teenage girl. Judging from his son's reaction, Louis had taken the bait. Obviously Harry hadn't been with any other girls, but Mr. Tomlinson thought he had convinced his son pretty well. He was a good liar, after all. Louis would forget about Harry and find himself a nice young lady and never think about guys in THAT WAY again, and this subject would never ever have to be brought up. Louis was straight, he knew his son was straight, he was just being rebellious or whatever it was that young people did. He smirked again, considering it a job well done.

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