Ch9 Trouble

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Anastasia's POV

A few days have passed since what happened at the club. I tried my best to convince Valentine to choose someone else for the commercial but he said it had to be me or they would choose another company instead to do it. I had no choice, we filled out some more paperwork and contracts and figured out how much we would make off this commercial. I am terrified to do this, and I don't feel comfortable with it at all. Jackson is a jerk. I hate him and I don't want to be touched by him. I needed to get my head straight, so those few days I stayed at Nadonna's house and now i'm on my way back home. I did some thinking and If i'm gonna do this commercial with Jackson I should at least try to get along with him so we can do a good job and focus on the shoot.

I got into the elevator waiting until it got to the top. Once I was there I unlocked the door and went straight to my room I noticed that everything was cleaned and neat, miss Maria must have came to clean up. "Anastasia?" Jackson walked out of his room and was standing at my door reaching for the top of it with his hands with an attitude. Here we go. "Hi uh, you need something?"

 "Uhh yeah I know you been gone for a few days I just wanted to remind you that I still have rules here, you left clothes on the floor. Also  i'm pretty sure you also hate the fact that we have to do this commercial together but there's nothing we can do about that, so just stay out of my way and don't be weird got it?." Typical. He turned around to go back to his room but I had few choice words for him "You know what Jackson, fuck you, and fuck your rules, I am not a guest here, Tyler said I was your roommate which means I have a say in the rules so guess what asswipe, yes I will eat as much junk food as I want, because it's my damn money, and I can bring whoever I want here, I will pick up my own towels off the floor after my showers and I have clothes on, you will not come in my room without permission and I will play whatever music I fucking want and if you have a problem with that you can kiss my black ass, I thought I could come here and try to make peace with you so we could do at great job at this commercial shooting but obviously you're too much of an asshole to get it, so please do not speak to me unless it is work related I will see you tomorrow, good fucking night!" I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I was so pissed, men are so stupid I swear all they care about is themselves.

 I laid down on my bed and pulled my phone out to tell Cody what happened, but he thought it was funny. I finally stood up to him and told him how I felt and now hopefully he changes. I need something to do to release some stress so i'm going to the mall tomorrow to do some shopping, I need some me time. 

I really miss Tyler I wish he was here right now to give me hug, we would probably be arguing about something funny right now, he always knows what to tell me to cheer me up maybe he could come visit me one day I hope. I started to get tired, so I turned my lights off and opened my window up to feel the cold air and listen to the wind.

Jackson POV 

Damn I feel like shit, she really just said that to me, am I really that much of an ass? I was living here first why can't she just go by what I say. I have rules and she should respect them i'm the man, she's the women. what she said really got to me I really don't understand women they are always so angry for no reason.  Why do I have do this commercial with her anyway, they couldn't have picked another girl, what's so special about her. I walked back into the house after getting some air when I stepped into Anastasia's room to see if she was still asleep when I stepped on a letter, it's from her grandma. I picked it up and walked into my room to read it.

After I read it I felt really bad, her grandma passed away and here I am being a jerk to her, I know what it's like to lose someone close to your heart and it hurts. I put the letter on my nightstand and laid down thinking about What Tyler said when he told me she's' been through a lot. Is her grandma the reason why? 

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