Ch22 New Life

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3 Years Later...

 "Sonya Table two needs there drinks ordered." "Yes ma'am I'll get to it right away." I stuff my notepad and pen back into the back pocket of my jeans as I walk over to the kitchen to get drinks. I place the two glasses on a tray walking out of the kitchen to the couples table. As I was walking I put my head down to make sure I was stepping on each step the right way when I accidentally bump into someone spilling the glasses of beer. "What the hell, are you blind!" The woman yells at me. "I apologize ma'am let me clean this up for you." I say as I grab some napkins to wipe her off. "This was a new outfit!" I continue to wipe her off but she snatched the napkin out of my hand throwing it to the ground and walking out the restaurant.

   "Sonya this is you third spill this week i'm gonna have to put you on Dish washing duty if you continue to be clumsy like this,  it's embarrassing." My manager Deborah scolds me for being clumsy. "I sorry I'm really trying my best I promise i'll get better." "This is my last warning to you, get that table there drinks and don't spill them this time." "Yes ma'am." I say scurrying back into the kitchen.

It was finally time for me to leave work and I was in a rush to pick Everin from daycare. I was late again and I didn't want Mrs Washington to kick her out because I get off so late from work and she stays with her until I can get to her. But last time she told me she wouldn't be able to do it anymore because she doesn't get paid for it, her daycare is already high and I barely make it paying every month I don't know what i'm going to do. Once I finally arrive at the daycare I get out my car running to the front door entering the code to get inside.

 I go inside and go into the turtle room where I see Everin sitting at the table with her head down sleeping. "I fed her dinner, your late again Miss Allen, I can't keep doing this for you, you haven't even paid this months rent yet." Mrs Washington says walking into the room putting Everins things into her pink bag. "I know I'm sorry I had to do another extra shift tonight I promise i'll have the money by next Friday just give me a little bit more time and i'll hav-" "You have until Thursday honey, I can't keep letting you slide, the other parents are starting to question why she's always the last one to get picked up." 

"Thursday...okay i'll have by then." I lie as I pick up Everin throwing her bag over my shoulder. There is no way i'm going to be able to get $400 by Thursday, it's Monday and I don't get paid until next Friday. I don't want to ask Valentino for anything because he's already helped me enough and Nadonna helps me with the other bills I don't want to be a burden on them. They have been such a good help ever since I had to move up here to Dallas, it was hard at first having to accept the fact that I had to disappear and change my identity to keep Asher, from finding me but it was the best thing to do. If I would have stayed, he would have found me. He would find out about Everin. I have to protect her and keep her safe from him. If he finds out about her, he'll kill her. It's been three years since I got away from him, and I don't plan on letting him find me now. 

I drove into the apartment building parkway and parked in my parking spot. Turning off the car I got out picking Everin up and grabbing my purse and her book bag. I walk over to the door pulling my keys out and unlocking the door. After getting inside I lock the door behind me and carry Everin into her room, laying her on her bed. I walk over to her drawer pulling out a pair of her princess pajamas and threw it onto the bed. I untie her shoe strings pulling her shoes off and take her dress off, then putting her pajamas on. I lay her on her pillow and give her a kiss on the cheek, then turn her night light on and turn the lights off closing the door behind me.

 Too exhausted to do anything else I walk into my room plopping onto my bed throwing my shoes off and taking my clothes off putting on a large t-shirt, and get under my blanket. My whole body aches and I was so tired, I had been on my feet all day and then having to deal with rude people at work really takes a toll on me. But I can't fall asleep because I can't stop thinking about how i'm going to get Mrs, Washington the money by Thursday, I really need to get a better job but no one is hiring and all the daycare centers in this area are at full capacity. I don't know what to do. As I think about Everin I still remember the day she came into this world. 

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