Ch35 Moving Forward

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"And every single night I have the same dream. That he's coming back for me. To take me away. I know he's dead but I can't help but to continuously look over my shoulder." "It's okay to feel that way Anastasia, after all it has only been 10 months, but your working on it and you have been to every single one of our sessions, do you think that this has been helping you in any type of way?" I sit back on the leather couch and let out a small sigh.

 "I mean I don't know I guess." I say shrugging my shoulders. This therapist was starting to frustrate me, how do they just expect someone to get over something like this I mean I have been trying but my anxiety just get's the best of me.  "How does Jackson feel about this? Does he still not know that you come to see me?" "He doesn't need to know, but that's not why were here." He sighs in frustration and walks over to his desk. "Maybe you should think about including him in our sessions, I'm going to prescribe you something for your sleep and anxiety, but I want to see better results next time I see you, try taking to Jackson."

 "I do what to bring him into this. He's is already super busy with meetings and photo shoots I don't want to bother him." "I just want to help Anastasia." He reaches over handing me a paper with my prescription on it and I take it walking out the door. I make my way outside with my two body guards following behind me already annoyed at the paparazzi trying to hide behind the bushes. I quickly make my way inside the car and drive home exhausted.

I got home quickly and changed into some comfortable clothes before Everin comes home from school. "Good afternoon Miss Walker i'm just finished up i'll see you next week." Turning around to face Josie our maid I give her a smile. "Oh okay well thanks for coming, Jackson will send you your check in the mail this week thanks again for coming." "No problem I'll see you later." "Okay bye now." I follow her to the door closing it after she leaves. Soon after a while Everin got home from school and I began preparing dinner. Jackson prefers for someone else to do it, he doesn't like for me to be on my feet but I loved it, it makes me happy to cook for him. I 'm home all day anyway. He refuses to let me work.

 But I don't mind because I can spend all the time I need to with Ezra, he's grown so much after his 1st birthday. I had to admit after everything calmed down it was hard for things to get normal. We moved to California and Jackson bought us a big house far from any others, a private property.  Everything worked out really well because I was married to Asher, Everything he owned became mine. His companies, property, and money. Once the public became aware of everything, it went viral and many woman started coming out telling there stories about being forced into the gang life and the trafficking numbers went down, even police started catching more gangs. It really made me feel better knowing that people where aware that stuff like this happens in life. I have been asked by so many people to do interviews to tell them my story, but I refuse every time. That's a subject i'm not comfortable nor ready to talk about with. 

I was in Ezra's room when I hear our puppy barking, which meant Jackson was home. I make my way down stairs with Ezra in my arms and walk into the dining room to set the table for dinner. "Smells good in here." Jackson walks into the room with a smile on her face. "Hey, how was work?" I walk over to him giving him a kiss in the cheek. "Busy like always. I need to talk to you about something." I place Ezra in his chair and take a seat by him. "I spoke with a very interesting person today, she told me about her story and how she survived from being trafficked and, well I know your not ready to talk to anyone about this but I think this person really truly cares about hearing yours she has a talk show on YouTube and wants to hel-"

 "Jackson I told you before i'm not ready for this okay i'm sorry I just can't." "I know but this is something that I think could really help you, I mean at least listen to her story give her a chance she even said cameras won't be present if your not comfortable with that, she just wants to talk." I sigh knowing I can't argue with him on this. I just want to get past all of this. "I'll think about it." He smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Not a second later Everin runs in grabbing on to her fathers leg like she does every time he gets home. We ate dinner and I put the kids to bed after now exhausted. I put on a night gown and hopped into bed waiting for Jackson to come out the shower. Once he did, he laid down next to wrapping his arms around me and I closed my eyes falling asleep. 

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