Ch 24 In My Head

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Don't play song until Paragraph 20!

"I walk into the door throwing my bag down on the couch, I was so exhausted and I just wanted to get in my bed and sleep this whole entire weekend. Hearing my tummy grumble I walk into the kitchen to fix a light snack. I open the refrigerator and pull out some yogurt and strawberries. Closing the refrigerator door I scream at the person in front of me. "Jesus you scared me!" I yell at Lucas forgetting that he was here. "Oh i'm so sorry I didn't mean to startle you haha." he puts his hands up in defense. "Next time warn somebody that your here, don't just stand there like a weirdo gosh."

 I roll my eyes at him and grab my food. "Got it, sorry about that, uh well I just finished up for the day so I'll be back to work on the floor in the the living room tomorrow."" Right um thanks by the way just make sure you lock the door on your way out." I shake his hand and walk away into my room. "Have a goodnight." I hear him say walking out the door. I know Valentino told me he wanted to help me decorate the apartment, but I didn't think he would hire someone to actually renovate the whole thing. I really appreciate what he's done for me and I don't know what I would do without him, he is the reason that I i'm safe from Asher, got me this place and helped me prepare for Everin even though we were told it was gonna be a boy. I was happy either way. I  sit on my bed and pull out my phone after feeling it vibrate. 

It was Nadonna texting me. I told her that Mrs, Waters  had Everin for the weekend so she said she would be here tomorrow morning and that we would have girl time. Even though I was tired I need to do something, it's so boring having to go to work then come home and repeat the same thing day after day. I can't remember the last time I went out looking good to have fun. I don't know What Nadonna has planned for this weekend she's so unpredictable I just hope it's nothing crazy. I pull my blanket up to my shoulders and lay my head down slowly falling asleep.

"Did you sleep good mama?" "Yes baby I did are you having fun with grandma?" I asked Everin through the phone. Whenever she stays at her grandmas she likes to face time men when she wakes up. "We are having a wonderful time sweetie, right Evie?" She calls her by her nickname that she gave her when she was first born. "We gonna plant flowers today mama!" "That sounds like fun baby just make sure you don't get dirt in your hair okay." "Yes ma'am." "Okay mama's gotta go okay be good I love you." "I love you to mommy bye." The phones beeps letting me know she hung up. I hoped out of bed feeling a little bit better about what happened yesterday. I wasn't happy working at that restaurant anyway, and now I can spend more time at home with Everin until I find another job and another daycare for her. 

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom turning the shower on. After making sure it was at the hot temperature I liked it to be at, I took my clothes off and hoped in letting the water hit my skin. After a few minutes I hear the front door open panicking I turn the shower off to hear more clearly. "Anastasia it's Nadonna where you at?" I release the breath I was holding feeling relieved. I forgot that I gave an extra key to Nadonna for when she needed to stay here for a vacation or to just get away from New York. I turned the shower back on and finished washing myself. After I was finished I got out the shower wrapping my towel around my body and going to the sink to wash my face and brush teeth. 

"You know I been thinking about moving up here." Nadonna says walking into the bathroom and sitting on the toilet. "Why I thought you wanted to stay in New York?" I asked with toothpaste in my mouth. "I don't know I've been there so long and i'm starting to get tired of it, plus the men are terrible and the weather here is amazing." "And It's so boring without you and Everin." To be honest I think things would be more fun if she moved down here. I would have someone to talk to and have more fun on the weekend when Everin is with her grandma. "Not gonna lie that would be fun if you did, your my only close friend and its boring when your not here." I said throwing on a white sports bra and some black Nike leggings, and a large jean jacket. I walk over to my closet and pull out my white fila shoes.

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