Ch10 Change Of Heart

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"Jackson!?" I blinked a couple of times trying to make sure I wasn't imagining things. "W..what are you doing here?" he was grabbing my arms and looking at my skin. "Are you okay, did they touch you?" I was so puzzled that I couldn't even answer him. I touched that back of my neck that was now throbbing from falling on the ground so hard. " Anastasia?" I lifted my head to look at Jackson. "Are you okay?" I looked down and wiped my wet face. "Let's get you up" He grabbed my arm and pulled me up and picked up all my bags off the floor. "I called the cops, lets go before they get here." He grabbed my hand and tries to pull me along but I pulled him back to me and wrapped my arms around his waist tightly. "Thank you." a few more tears began to fall but I quickly wiped them away. I let go of him and backed away. He reached out for my hand and I grabbed it walking out of the alleyway. 

We got into his car and he put my seat belt on for me and got in driving away from the mall. "What the hell were you doing with those guys Anastasia, don't you know it's not safe for a small female to be walking around the streets of New York alone, what were you thinking!" I took a breath and turned to him. " I was just trying to do some shopping okay, they were trying to steal from a store and told the manager before they left, they must have waited for me to come out okay."

 I put my face down feeling so stupid, I shouldn't have opened my mouth, I should have stayed quiet and none of that would have happened. "Just don't do something stupid that like again." He turned and looked at me. "Why do you even care,  your always a jerk to me, how did you find me anyway?" he put a hand through his hair. " Aye about that, i'm sorry okay, I was at the mall too, I saw you talking to someone and walked out so I followed you to apologize." He was tensing up. "New York is a dangerous place okay, if it's' that serious and you want to get out and get fresh air just tell me, I'll take you." Wait a minute who is this person and what has he done with the real Jackson. Now he wants to be nice to me?  I will never understand men. Maybe what I said yesterday actually got to him. "Are you hungry?" I touched my stomach hearing it growl. "Uhh yeah haha." He snickered and turned back looking at the looking at the road. 

We stopped at this fancy looking restaurant and went inside to the front desk. "Oh hello Mister Waters it's been so long since we've had a visit from you sir, will you be dining with us the fine afternoon?" The man smiled at him. "Yes please, I have a friend that will be joining me also." He scooted me forward and I smiled at the host. "Hi." I waved.

"Well aren't you a beauty, we will get you seated right away, this way please." We followed the man to a small table with two chairs across from each other with wine and bread with butter laid on it. "Hmm Fancy." I took a seat as did Jackson. "Hello Mr, Waters my name is Julian, I will be your waiter, can I start you out with an appetizer and a drink?"  "Yes well have some champagne." "I'll get that right away for you sir." The waiter walked away leaving me and Jackson alone. "So how are you?" He just made this so awkward. "I'm good I guess." I tried not looking i'm directly in the eyes. "Listen about what just happened..."

 "Really Jackson i'm okay, can we just drop it, please?." I closed my eyes trying to forget it because it's not doing anything but reminding me of my past. "I'm sorry, yeah we can drop it." I gave him a small smile. "Alright here is your champagne are you ready to order?" "Yes, I will have a grilled chicken salad and for the lady the same?" he looked at me. Salad? okay eww. "No thanks I'll have the steak well done, with fries and extra steak sauce please." I smiled at the water. "Yes ma'am well get your food to you shortly." He walked away. 

"Honestly how can you eat so much junk, and still be thin?" Shrugged my shoulders at his question. "I get it from my mom, i just love food." he shook his head and laughed. "I see that." After a short fifteen minutes of waiting our food finally came, my stomach started growling very loudly. "Chill the food is right in front of you." "Are you really talking to your belly?" Jackson gave me a look." "Maybe." I lowered my eyes at him.

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