Ch12 Friendships

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We were currently at Joe's Pizza and I was stuffing my face with pepperoni pizza. It's still not better than Papa Johns but it was good. "So Cody you work as a waiter on a train? That's pretty cool. I choked on my pizza."Uh yeah it's pretty cool I get to travel different places and stay a couple of days I meet new people and try new things." "Nice what has been your favorite places so far to travel too? "I'll have to say North Carolina, the people there are very nice and welcoming and the sites are beautiful. I was sitting there bored while these to morons were having there awkward conversation. 

"Excuse me." An older woman came up to our table and looked at Jackson. "You and your girlfriend are a beautiful couple I like how your matching its so lovely to see young children in love at this time of the year." I didn't even realize that we were matching. "Oh no ma'am i'm sorry we aren't a cou..." "Thank you ma'am I really do care for her she's everything to me, you have a nice night." Jackson cut off my sentence. The lady grabbed my hand. "Oh sweetheart he's a keeper I can tell he loves you just by the way he looks at you. May you have a good life together.

"She patted my hand and walked out the restaurant. I hit Jackson upside the head. "Why would tell her that, we are not together." I rolled my eyes. "What? she was a nice old lady and she was complementing us I couldn't let her down and tell her we weren't a thing, it would break her little fragile heart haha." I looked at Cody and whispered i'm sorry  because he looked upset. I tried to reach for my glass of water but my hand slide and it spilled all over Cody. "Shit, i'm sorry Cody here let me help you." I tried to hand him a napkin but he refused it.

 "It's okay i'll just go to the bathroom and clean it. I sat back down. I could tell he wasn't happy at all. "I'm sorry Anastasia I didn't mean to upset you." I turned to Jackson. "It's okay." "You know you did an amazing job today by the way." "Thanks, you too, your really helped me to not be so nervous." I had a replay of that kiss in my head and mentally slapped myself. We had a moment of silence before Cody walked back out. "Look it's getting late and I need to get home, congratulations again Anastasia I'll see you later." He walked away before I could say anything. "Ohh ok." I really must have upset him he's never acted weird like that before. "We should go too, it's getting late."

 Jackson paid for my food again and we left out of the restaurant. The car ride home was quiet, maybe because we were both just too tired to talk any more, but I decided to break the silence. "So New Years is soon, you have any plans this year with your family?" "Well i'm not sure usually we take two week vacation to Costa Rica and have a good time. My parents live there, but i'm still thinking about going, how about you, are you going back Canada to see your family. "Oh well i'm positive they don't want to see me, I left on bad terms and my mother told me never to come back after my grandma took me in. "

 "Oh i'm so sorry it really sucks not to have a family to spend time with for the holidays. "Yeah I'll probably just hang around at the apartment and have a drink and cook myself a nice dinner." "Oh so you can cook huh?" I laughed at his question. "Of course, grandma taught me at a young age, she always said a way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Jackson started laughing. "Is that so haha.""What? you don't don't believe me." "No I don't, you don't seem like the cooking type." He laughed at me. "I'm so offended how dare you, I can throw down okay." "Whatever." He rolled his eyes. We both laughing so hard we didn't even notice we have been parked outside of the building for 15 whole minutes. "We should get out." "We could or we can listen to this first." I pulled out my phone and turned to one of my favorite songs Our Time Is Here from Camp Rock.

Authors  Note: Best song in the whole movie lmao

"Come on seriously?" I turned the volume all the way up and hopped out the car to dance and he got out to watch me act stupid. "Were done, but it's not over" I sang the words to the of the song  spinning in circles "Okay that's enough let's go inside." I skipped to him and grabbed his hands jumping up and down. It felt good to just act silly and dance around I needed this. "It's almost over I promise, get into it let loose." I threw my hands in the air and Jackson started jumping up and down to the song too, I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid we both looked. The song finally went off and I was out of breath. "That was fun." "Your crazy you know that?" "Just a little bit."

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