VII. I like you Nerdy

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When my class hour ended I headed straight at the cafe I'm working to.

I changed into my staff uniform and wear my apron.

It will be a hard day for me again.

Nothing's change, as usual.

"Good afternoon sir!" I greeted, not looking at the customer 'cause I'm busy fixing the menu.

I'm expecting the customer to say his order but he remained silent.

I looked up to see who it was.

My eyes grew wider when I saw who it was.

It was Wonwoo.

"Good afternoon." He finally greeted.

"What do you want?" I asked as I bring back my attention at the menu.

"Your time." He said.

I stop and faced him.

"I'm sorry sir but we're not selling my time here." Note the sarcasm there.

I heard him chuckled.

"Your shift will end at 9pm exactly right? I guess I have to wait for 3 more hours." He said while looking at his watch then back at me.

I didn't answer.

How did he know?

He didn't wait for me to answer as he went at the table near the window.

I sighed. I'll just let him get tired of waiting there.

Soon... he will also leave.

The customers started to come. I need to work now.

Thanks to them I'm becoming busy and more focused on my job 'cause if not, I swear I'm going to sink down at where I'm standing right now.

Since Wonwoo seated near the window, he didn't take his eyes off from me. He's observing every move I'm taking.

The cafe is almost full now and I'm doing everything all around just to accompany the customers. I'm taking their orders, making their drinks and delivering it to them.

Wonwoo's stares doesn't help. It is making me feel uncomfortable.

Is he really serious that he'll wait for me?


After the customers left one by one, I started to arrange all the chairs, wipe the tables, fix the cashiers table, sweep, and mop the floor.

3 hours had passed but Wonwoo is still there waiting.

I went inside the staffroom to change.

I took a deep breath before going out of the staffroom 'cause I'm going to see him again.

He's still there.

I scanned the whole cafe and there's just the two of us here now.

His eyes met mine again, making me feel a little bit awkward at our eye contact. I immediately looked away, avoiding his gaze.

He sat up and walked near me. He stopped in front of me. He faced me but I just walked past him and went directly at his table near the window.

His eyes followed where I was going.

I put the chair back to its proper place 'cause he did'nt even fix it.

I took my bag as I started to walked out of the cafe, leaving him there alone.

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