I dont want to be late

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Slamming the door of his locker shut He drags his backpack across the ground towards his next class.

"Alex!" A voice is heard from across the hall, Alex turned around to find who called him and noticed Niall running towards him.

He stopped right in front of Alex gasping for air, "did you hear the news?" Niall asks full of enthusiasm, "I'm going to my ceremony today, ". Alex smiles, "do you think you're an alpha?" He stared up at Niall, Niall smiles back, "No but you'll never know honestly, what about you do you know?"

Alex choked, "yeah! I'm a alpha!" he smirked, Standing in a semi confident pose. Niall stood there shocked "That's incredible! I always knew you had that in you. I'm proud of you alex" Niall punched his arm playfully, he had a hint of doubt in his face but he was always supportive of his best friend.

Alex nodded and tried to cover his red face, the bell rang and Niall and Alex hugged tightly before heading into separate directions.

Alex wasn't a alpha, honestly he was surprised that Niall believed him. He was actually a(n) Omega and he was not proud of that at all, he knew Niall wouldn't be a Omega so he was afraid that Niall would treat him differently like an Omega Often gets treated.

Alex walked into class and sat close to the middle, as a bunch of other students walked in and sat by their friends. Alex pulled out his phone and texted Niall, Niall was in The Gym Right now so he had free time to talk with Alex, they were very close. Sending hearts and making each other smile, but they were just friends, nothing more nothing less.

Glancing back at his phone, Niall kept asking of who Alex thinks would be his mate.

Alex- "idk, probably the girl in our chemistry class she seems to really like me"

Niall- "Yeah I always catch her staring at you, ;)"

Niall sighed and put his phone away as he watched the teacher write on the whiteboard, he heard people talking behind him and turned around. 3 taller men sat in the back and one pointed towards Alex.
Alex couldn't catch his breathe for a moment. "Alphas.." he whispered. He quickly turned around, his heart was racing. Alphas can smell Omegas..

Alex shook that thought out of his head and wrote in his book, the bell rang and he shoved his books into his bag and quickly walked out of the classroom, a strong arm grabbed his elbow and pulled him to the side. One of the guys from his class looked down at him. Alex quickly became defensive and pushed him away as he darted towards chemistry. James watched Alex run with a smile on his face as he followed slowly behind.

Alex shoved his bag into his locker as Niall walked up to him already dressed out. Alex shot him a smile before hearing loud laughter the next row beside him, he grabbed Nialls wrist and darted past the row without being spotted. Niall looked down at the shorter male, "what was that for?". Alex looked up at him, "I was afraid of being late so i didn't want to waste anymore time" he shrugged and glanced over at the three boys from earlier, niall looked over the same direction till Alex grabbed his face, "let's get to the courts yeah?" Alex face fell of color until Niall nodded and headed over to their usual spot..

Hello! I'm sorry this chapter isn't the best. I'm a bit Rusty I haven't wrote in awhile.
I'm loving the whole Alpha Omega thing <3

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