Shunned Pack

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James looked at will then at the two younger boys, "you guys stay here, will and I are going to go find George and JJ, don't move I don't want you guys to get hurt".

Alex whined then hugged james, letting him smell his scent, "good luck alpha". James breathed in the scent, smiling before him and will ran off.

Niall looked at his feet, "if I miss my classes again my mom isnt going to be too happy". Alex smiled, "she'll be happy knowing that you're protecting people" he grabbed Niall's hand and they ran to head back to James' place,

James and Will growled while catching their breath when they got to George's house. They looked through the window of Georges bedroom and saw JJ forcibly making out with George, JJ had George's hands in one hand, holding them to the side so he had full control.

George whined, "alpha you're hurting me". JJ shrugged and pushed him on the bed. George growled, "I don't want this anymore" he sat up and tried to walk to the door. But JJ grabbed him, "I didn't ask you if you wanted it".

George started hitting him, protecting his own neck so JJ wouldn't grab it. JJ growled loudly, "God you're like a little rat! Just shut up and lay down!".

He slapped George hard and pushed him on to the bed quickly choking him so he wouldn't dare get up. "Alpha!-' he struggled to push out,

James growled and ran to the front door, it was locked so he quickly ran to the open window in his work room. Crawling in and will right after. They busted into the room, "get your hands off of him!"

JJ growled as George cried hysterically trying to catch his breathe. He ran to will who held him and put him behind the two.

James glared, "you're gonna let George go, this is sick! You should not force yourself on anyone! If he says it's okay but changes his mind after you have to stop or that is considered rape! You will be severely punished for hurting this alpha as you are mated with him"

JJ glared but didn't say anything,

"You will unbond him right now or there will be consequences" James threatened but JJ laughed, "I don't have to unbond my mate". He looked at George, "here now".

Will heard George shift but not fully walk out.
George growled quietly, "no". JJ glared, "fine, my boys are over with Josh, you know. Having a simple Talk"

George looked at him, "no.. no you better not be hurting him!" He cried out. JJ opened his arms, "I'll call off my boys if come to me"

George looked at James and Will. They both shook their heads but George walked to him slowly, walking into his arms, finally feeling a warm hug from the bigger alpha.

James watched, "George.. you'd give up everything for Josh?". George nodded, "nobody deserves to die" he spoke lowly, "someday we all will but it's not fair for someone to die over me refusing to listen to my mate".

JJ stroked his back, smirking, "yeah. You heard him, now shoo".

Will glared, "no, this is Georges house not yours" he stepped up, "the police are on their way, I recommend you let George go and we'll tell them it's a misunderstanding".

JJ chuckled, "you know.. alphas can be declassed" he looked at George, lifting him up. "omegas can't rise but alphas can sure as hell fall" he smirked, "if they fail their role of being an alpha, that alpha can shift from alpha to beta to Omega". He looked at George who whined,

"Alphas have a mark no?, Mines on my left hand just like the rest of you".  He lifted up Georges hand, and the mark was very faded, "George failed his role of being alpha, and that's being unable to stand up for yourself and others".

George looked at the mark and rubbed it, trying to bring it back, "what? You didn't know?" JJ smirked.

James growled, and the police busted in. Will ran to JJ and grabbed George, covering his eyes as he heard yelling, multiple 'Get down!!' 'Hands up!'. George heard it and flinched. With JJ being his mate, the feeling of emptiness soon returns when he walks out with them in handcuffs.

Will held George as he cried watching JJ walk away. James walked to George and will and frowned, "I'm sorry George" he whispered but George shook his head, "I'm sorry I put you guys through this. It was my problem and I should've dealt with it the right way"

George hid his face in Will's neck as he heard walking behind him, the rest of the cops leaving and muttered talking.

"Hes not dead" James huffed, "but they took my alpha away either way".

"Josh is your Alp.." James sighed when George growled, "friend" and let go of will. They decided to head back to school, sneaking onto school grounds and mixed in with the line of kids getting lunch.

"Where's Alex and Niall?" James hummed, he looked around for them, "I told them to stay where they were" he growled.
Alex and Niall stared at the two alphas, "leave him alone" Alex cried out, growling.
One had Josh by the neck while the other had a gun to his head, "and why should we"

Niall growled, "he's done nothing wrong".
Alex whispered into Niall's ear and he nodded.

"We could do you a little favor", Niall pouted as they got on their knees, barring their necks. "But only if you let Josh go".

Josh looked at them, he mouthed, 'what??' and saw Niall and Alex cross their fingers.
The alpha dropped Josh and Alex whimpered, "I want you alpha"

Niall groaned, "I want alpha" he huffed. The alpha walked over to them, "you both can have me" he smirked and stroked their lips.

The other alpha watched, he didn't realise the gun was taken from his hand and Josh shot the alpha touching the boys.

The smallest alpha stopped, he looked at Josh then ran to the other alpha, "Dad!' he growled and grabbed him. Shaking him, "dad wake up" he whined.

Alex and Niall shot up and looked at the two alphas hurt. "That was your..". "My pack, you killed the leader.." the smallest alpha looked at them, "you will pay. Serverly". Josh put the gun against the alphas head, "I don't think so pal". He clicked the trigger but didn't shoot it.

The smallest alpha stayed still, "do it" he whispered. "Do it!" He shouted. Josh stared, "why, arnt you leader now?"

The smallest shook his head, "If your alpha is killed, its seen as a disgrace, your pack is shunned. You have to split up". He started to shake, reminding himself of last time the pack split when His mother was killed, a beta that gained the spot as alpha when his dad reassigned.

"I'm going to die either way" the smallest sighed, "many dont take people from shunned packs, they're seen as prey and bait" he sighed, "last time I split I was a child, they only take children because they're easy to manipulate"

"You said dad earlier.. is he-"

"He wasn't my dad.. I don't know why I said that.. probably because he was the one who took me in. A dad figure ya know?" he sighed

"What's your name?"

"Erling. Erling Mengshoel",,

Yes Alpha (Im Allexx X James Marriott)/ Commentary ChannelsWhere stories live. Discover now