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Niall and Alex look at each other then slowly take a seat, a few seats ahead of erling of course. But that didn't stop the small alpha who moved up and sat in the seat across from them. "It's too easy to get into your guys school, I just signed a paper and I'm in!" He laughed out.

Alex hummed then looked at him, he was closest to the window with Niall being on the outside of the seat.

Alex liked the window.

Niall was the first to speak however, "why did you join the school? You didn't go to school before?". Erling shook his head, "oh no, in our pack we stay a pack and are well known for hiding" Erling beamed.

Niall chuckled, "you're like a puppy dog" he turned to face Erling. Erling Tilted his head, "we are part wolf no? It's in our nature, you know. Packs?" He hummed out.

Niall shrugged, "well through generation's we start to lose that 'Wolf' inside of us. We are just normal people that have a class now".

Erling frowned, "that sucks, why give up something like that? Heck now that you mentioned it I haven't seen someone switch in years"

Alex chimed in, "because we don't need to. Packs don't attack each other so nobody needs to fight, we're strong enough the way we are" he spoke softly, pushing his hair out of his face.

Niall nodded, "yeah, and nobody can change unless they really need to, their inner alpha, beta or omega let's them know when they should take over" he added, watching more people walk on. Alex was listening to music, with a neutral smile and his eyes started to close.

Erling beamed, "I wanna switch". Niall choked and looked at him, "that could get you killed! For crying out loud Erling it's a crime" he hissed.

Erling groaned, "why is it illegal to use ones natural insti-". "To protect those around you, ones inner class can do anything. It can hurt anyone at anytime!" Niall snapped. Shutting Erling up enough for the small alpha to turn and face forward. With a small frown plastered on his face.

Alex looked at them then looked down, "my inner class stopped working" he hummed. Niall looked at him, "no you just never got to chance to use it" Niall spoke softly, "My beta was itching at me at the party. When these alphas were bugging us, I pushed it back however. I didn't want to get into trouble".

Alex looked at him, "I just go into subspace it seems.. when would ones Omega need to come out?". Niall chuckled, "you'll know".

The bus pulled up at the school and everyone walked off, meeting up with their groups and what not. Niall and Alex walked to the cafeteria, just to grab a table so they wouldn't have to stand.

They saw The alphas at a semi empty table and joined them, sitting next to their mates and holding their hands as they felt the warm feeling of their alpha being near.

Niall looked at Josh, George was on his lap facing Josh without his face hidden in the taller boys neck. Niall mouthed, 'is he accepting it?'.

Josh shrugged, 'subspace' he mouthed back.

James looked at Josh, "Josh you need to get him out of it before class starts, you're his alpha comfort him".

Josh hummed, "but he only sees me as a friend I don't want to do something he doesn't like-".

"He doesn't have a choice now does he" James snapped,

Josh looked down at the shivering boy and stroked his back, "George babe.." he looked at James then back at george, "I need you to wake up, you're doing so good resting on me but class is gonna start soon" he whispered.

Alex looked at James and scooted over, he was uncomfortable with James statement, taking it as 'you can take advantage of them in subspace' in a way. James spotted this and looked at his mate, "what's wrong?" He hummed.

Alex glared at him, "you think you can take advantage of omegas in subspace?" He hissed. James groaned, "Alex ..".

"Am I wrong? Even if you didn't mean it do you think that?" Alex spat at James, who didn't say anything back.

Alex snarled, "sick" he got up and moved over to Josh and George.

George was moving his arms but not much else, leaving Josh whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Shortly after however George looked up at him, "Josh.." he whispered, having a semi shocked expression.

Josh beamed, "you're awake!" He smiled as played with George's hair.

George was about to speak but nodded instead and snuggled onto the taller boy, "do you mean what you said?" He whispered.

Josh hummed, "of course", he rubbed Georges back and continued conversation with the rest of the group.

George let a small smile creep onto his face.

"I love you too alpha"

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