Cant leave you alone for a Minute

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Niall was the first awake out of the 3 remaining boys, he was in the kitchen looking for something to eat when he looked at the time, he felt warm arms wrap around him as he reached for a bowl.

Niall tensed up and turned his head to the side as he noticed Wills face buried into his shoulder. Niall looked down at the bowl then giggled, "are you hungry too?". He felt Will smile then shift a bit, "sure".

Niall grabbed another bowl as James walked down the hall and spotted the two, "Will what are you doing" he huffed. Niall beamed, "he wanted breakfast". James eyes shifted between the two boys, seeing wills darker eyes as he closed them resting against the smaller lad.

James rubbed his eyes, "you too?". Niall looked up at James, "what do you mean 'you too?'" he made finger quotes as he crossed his arms, resting them on wills already crossed ones. James chuckled, "oh nothing".

Niall hummed then put an arm on one of Wills. James stared, "oh Niall about the Game and well party too, you're still down to go right?".

Niall looked at James, "yeah, my ceremony was rescheduled" he huffed. Will growled lowly and lightly grazed his hand over Niall's stomach.

Niall whimpered and sunk into will. James growled loudly, "hey you two stop it, Will chill out". Will didn't move and neither did Niall.

Soft humming was heard as Niall stroked Wills arm, smiling softly as he forgot all about the breakfast. Niall opened his eyes slowly and noticed Will was not planning on moving, Niall turned around and put both hands on wills face,

"Will you look tired, you should go back to bed" Niall chuckled softly as he rested his head against Wills. Will shook his head, "I don't wanna leave your side" Will said in a low tone as Niall lightly played with his hair, "I'll go with you" Niall hummed with a soft smile.

James blinked, "Now I'm confused of who's The Dominant one" He chuckled as he watched Niall smile, "mm Hot 'short male dominates Alpha' ". Both Niall and James laughed as Will pressed his face into Niall's neck.

Niall lead will back to the sofa and Will laid down with his arms open waiting for Niall. Niall rolled his eyes playfully, "oh you" he smiled and laid next to Will. Niall was more pushed up, wrapping his legs around wills waist but wills head softly resting on Niall's chest as niall continued to gently play with wills hair.

James Smiled then watched George slowly wake up and Growled lowly, "That smell.." George slowly got up, glancing at Niall, "It's too strong to be one person.. James" he looked at James who didn't dare stare back at him, "where's Alex". Niall hummed, "Alex is an alpha love, he's not in heat.." he sleepily spoke, "wait I'm in heat?" Niall shot up, along with will who whined at the loss of warmth. "There goes my chance of being an alpha".

James chimed in, "you're definitely a beta".

Niall glanced back at James, "how would you know". James chuckled, "I mean.. you're cradling an alpha. You're not dependent on an alpha obviously"

Niall hummed, "well we will have to see at my ceremony, I bet I'm an Omega. If I'm a beta I'll buy you lunch" he smirked. James nodded, "and if you're an Omega I'll buy you 2 Lunches" he smirked back.

Niall beamed, "oh hell yeah". George was gone without the 2 noticing. George stood at the doorway of Alex's room. Seeing the boy holding the blanket pressed again it, his legs tightly wrapped around it.

Alex moved against the blanket, soft whimpers left his closed mouth as he desperately chased his Orgasm. George shut the door and growled loudly. Alex stopped quickly and shot up, "George get out!". George sprung to the bed and pinned Alex down roughly. Alex let out a loud Yelp as George breathed in the scent, "oh the smell.. God" he groaned as Alex started shaking. "George don't please". George hummed as he looked at the slick soaked shorts, "you look so good right now" he smirked. Alex growled lowly, "you will not". George quickly put a hand around Alex's neck and pushed it back.

Alex whimpered and squirms, feeling George push against him. Alex started to cry, warm tears trickling down his face scared of what will happen next. George spotted this, "oh shut up!" He yelled and put pressure on Alex's neck.

Everything went blurry for Alex, and he began to lose feeling as he sunk into his subspace.

George smirked and let go of Alex's throat. He heard footsteps outside the door and decided to get off of Alex.

James walked in and spotted George, "George what did you do!?" James shouted then looked at Alex's body sprawled out on the bed as his eyes looked dull.

George tried to look as surprised, "I don't know! I walked in and saw him like that James seriously, that's probably why the smell was so strong.. He's helpless or in other words needy".

James ignored George, not that it was something needed of a responce. James lightly put a hand on Alex's cheek, "make sure Niall and Will don't walk in.. Niall doesn't know"

James sighed then leaned down and whispered encouraging words into Alex's ear as he brushed his thumb over Alex's cheek. George glared then walked out, keeping an eye on Niall and Will who slept still in the same position.

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