Nothing will get in my way

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Josh looked down at George, who kept shifting and gripping onto Josh.

Josh purred, "you alright George? You're getting a little clingey". The smaller boy nodded and huffed when Josh rubbed his back

Josh smiled, "hey, how about we ditch the rest of the day and have our own special day at my place". George looked around, "I really shouldn't"  he whispered but Josh dragged him out anyways.

Josh and George both hopped into the car, george looking outside then back at josh, "it was close last night" he hummed, "if you didn't grab me".

Josh hummed, "don't worry about it baby" he chuckled and George smiled at the name.

The two shortly arrived at Josh's place and Josh opened the door for George to get out of the vehicle. George looked at the house, "this is your parents place huh?".

Josh nodded, "mom's place", George nodded and walked into the house, "oh it smells the same!" He beamed.

Josh's mother slowly walked to the two, "George baby is that you?" She gasped and pulled George into a tight hug.

George beamed, he always felt the happiest at Josh's place, "momma joshy" he chucked and the slightly taller women smiled, "forever and always Hun".

George smiled and Josh came up behind him,

Joshs mother looked at the two, "did you" she looked at Georges neck. She smiled weakily, "I knew it was going to happen at one point. We couldn't keep you two apart" she teared up.

"When you two were younger you played house, and you two always wanted a child. George was always the mother" she laughed softly, shifting a bit and holding her side.

George snorted, "oh yeah, and we though sex was just kissing". Josh's mother slapped his arm, "yeah so you two kissed alot" she sassed.

George blushed and Josh wrapped an arm around him. Joshs mother lead then to the living room, she stopped and groaned before Josh ran to her and helped her sit down.

George sat their silently, watching Josh do alot to get his mother feeling comfortable.
He teared up, so many questions going through his head before Josh snapped him out of it.

"George are you okay? You were crying" Josh hummed. George wiped his face, "I'm fine" he hummed, smiling up at josh, who gave a kind smile back.

"Momma me and George were actually planning on having our own little day, movies and all that".

Momma joshy smiled, "I'll make you two some snacks" she shot up, but quickly sat down. George watched, "momma joshy it's okay, don't hurt yourself" he walked over, "thank you though".

She held Georges hands, "you two were made for each other, hold onto that and never let it go" she smiled before Josh helped her to her own room to rest.

George stood there and smiled softly, "Josh".
Josh hummed and looked at George, "yeah?" He slowly walked over,

"I love you"

"And I love you" Josh whispered back, smiling and kissing the smaller boy. George hesitated before slowly kissing back,

George groaned and whined, "Josh I think I'm in heat". Josh hummed, "okay baby wanna take a bath? You can take one while I get everything set up".

George shook his head, "no I think I'm good". Josh smiled and smelt the scent, "you're gonna be driving me crazy all day" he chuckled.

George tilted his head, "I mean we can". Josh choked, "George you can't just say it out loud like that".

George looked at him confused, "it's just sex Josh.." he hummed and Josh sighed, "you treat it like it's nothing-"

"Then what is it" George snapped.

Josh didn't have a reply, he nodded and went to the kitchen to cook.

George stopped, "wait Josh I didn't.." he whined and ran over to his alpha. His arms wrapped around Josh and his face hid in the taller boys back. "I didn't mean to offend you.. you know how I can be" he whined.

Josh smiled and held the boy, he put him on the counter and kissed his cheek, "I know baby, I'll never get mad at you". They two shared a short kiss before George shifted, "I don't like this". He huffed as he felt the slick,

"nasty.. I miss when I didn't have to sit through this".

Josh kissed his head, "don't worry baby it won't be that bad". George nodded and was carried to the couch where the movie started to play and the two cuddled

Georges face rested on Josh's chest and his legs dangled at Josh's sides, almost straddling the boy.

The two slowly fell asleep, napping throughout the rest of the day.


George hummed and slowly woke up. "He said around 10" he whispered and checked the time, "9:30" George hummed and walked towards the door.

Walking out he headed down the street to the small town and went by the cafe. Alex was there too, beaming when he spotted George.

"I was hoping you would come. I thought I was at the wrong place for a moment" Alex shivered out, it was freezing there. Both had a few layers on.

A black vehicle pulled up and erling rolled down the window, "hop in guys" he chuckled.

George and Alex would never get into a strange vehicle, but they did all because erling smelt strongly of the comforting scent.

Making them feel safe.

George sat on one side while Alex sat on the other. Erling smiled, "thank you boys for coming" he beamed.

Alex hummed, "where are we going anyways" he looked up at erling. "Just to meet some friends of mine". The car pulled up to a club and the three walk inside.

Erling held the two by their waist, feeling George start to hide as they walked through large groups of people. Loud music and colorful lights danced around the room, making George slightly comfortable and beam looking at the lights.

Alex huffed, "we are not drinking" he looked around and saw a room they were heading to.

It was at the back of the club, where the lights where slightly dimmer and less people sat at the booths. Alex stepped back, "where are we going" he whined.

Erling looked at him and smiled when Alex walked back to him, the smell grew overwhelming for the two and they started to lose focus. But erling lead them to the rooms, laying them on the sofas with a large grin on his face.

Alex and George both shift, hearing more footsteps and mumbled chatter.

"Look at these beauts" a low voice spoke, Alex whinced, the two omegas hid their faces in each other, feeling warm hands grab their waists.

George whined and shot up, the smell wearing off, "what's going on?" He hissed, Alex slowly sitting up as well. The two glaring at Erling then covered their mouths and nose, blocking out the smell.

Erling glared back, walking past the small crowd, "follow me" he grabbed them. George and Alex whine and growl, kicking erling who then grabbed their necks. Forcing the 2 into subspace.

"You two are going to make gorgeous pups" erling hissed and rubbed their bonds, "and nothing will get in my way"

Sometimes over the weekend I give myself a mental break but I'll be pumping out some chapters today! I'm so sorry it's been 3 days! I'll do a double maybe a triple upload today 🖤🖤

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