Ruby Waters

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Your name is John Luis Egbert, at only 23, you're a paranormal investigator extraordinaire as well as a writer. with a mop of messy raven black hair on your scalp, a pair of buck teeth to go with your nerdy glasses, and a white shirt with a blue tie that matches your sky eyes perfectly, no one knows you're not, well, you! But today, you're taking your little sisters, Rose and Roxy, to a fair in Texas, it takes place in a beautiful city called Derse that's right by the country side. The fair always takes place in the 3 summer months, June, July, and August. But you're not going because of the city's Fair, oh no, you're going to see if you can find the mysterious Mermaid it has recently received. Back in Washington, you've gotten a ton of E-Mails and letters to cover it, it's a paranormal OUT BREAK, so for the sake of your career and fans, you've went to Texas. Since two little girls are a lot to handle, you've for- you mean tagged Jane along for the ride.

You've all currently have reached the fair, being welcomed by the ring master, and his comrades, a Psychic, a Lion tamer, an acrobatic with amputated legs, and a clown with purple paint all over his costume. You don't really want to know what happened to the acrobat, but you're impressed he can do a whole lot with just his arms. Today, it's not about them, it's about the newest show stopper, after you've said your hellos and goodbyes, you proceed to take Rose and Roxy to the food booth for some candy. Hoping little girls like themselves don't get sugar high, but you just want the popcorn.

"Hey John. Whenll the show start! U know, the one wth the Mermaid?"

You shake your head

"I dunno Roxy. I wanna know when it does as well, I need to see her for an investigation. I want to know if it's just an act and it's all just miss leading."

"Just an act? John, have you already forgotten that there are some cases of yours that you have proven to be true? Like the Ouija board, The haunted Duplex, and Anne the doll?"

"Rose is right." Jane chimes in "If those are true, don't give up on the possibility of mermaids. Alright bro?"

Rose WAS right, thanks Jane. if those have proven to be true, and the deaths surrounding them were true. There might be hope. But it's mostly for your childhood, and your sisters sake. You've done countless of mysteries surrounding creatures though. The gilled Woman, Big foot, the Lochness Monster, and many others, were and are, proven to be fake as Fuck. But imagine if the creatures that drunken sailors have thought up of were real! Though no one quite knows that the stories you write are all fact. But you can't get rid of the possibility of mermaids living under the very ocean.

Once you got your popcorn and cotton candy, you get a pamphlet blown right in your face. It's about what acts are what time and in which tent. The Mermaid isn't until later, so you decide to seperate from your family and go see the Psychic. Maybe she can tell you something interesting, might kill two birds with one stone. Or even shed some light on your future.

Jane and the twins separate from you, wanting to do something different and more fun, like go on the rides and play the games! Spending money is fun. You suppose. Hopefully the twins won't blow chunks on the rollercoaster or tea cups. Dad would be so mad. So you enter into the tent area and find the psychic. Apparently the woman is in a cobalt colored tent. Not wanting to be waiting in the crowd, you walk on in.


"John Eg8ert. What a surprise."

As you ceased looking around in the tent, you see a woman with blonde hair, glasses, and a strange tattoo, look at you. She knew your name? Either she reads the books or she's just 'that's so Raven'ing it and can actually gaze into the future. You've always found that aspect to be strange. But hilarious at some points.

Ruby WatersWhere stories live. Discover now