Chapter 5 Weapons and School Probably Don't Mix Part 1

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OK so a few kids in my class including myself, love the hunger games, well mostly just my bestie Y and I. Lol that rhymes, I'm just going to call her Y.

So anyway being that we love the Hunger Games, we asked our gym teacher if we could do archery, and surprisingly she said sure in the spring. And we were ecstatic, we were the only class she trusted enough to do this with.

So spring rolls around, and she takes out the bow and arrow. And she teaches us how to shoot. It was sooo awesome,  I almost felt like Katniss, not that I ever will be though.

OK so, my friend Y she has her very own bow and a set of arrows, the lucky duckling.  So she asked the gym teacher if she can bring her bow to school. The gym teacher says sure. So next day my friend brings the bow to school, and our class spends the day pretending to shoot each other.

Only thing is that during lunch I pretending to shoot someone, but I was holding the bow to close to my arm, so when I let go the strings brushes against my arm.

Needless to say my skin became red, and stung  a little. So me being a medical "expert" like Prim from the Hunger Games, took some paper towel, wet it with cold water, and tied it around my arm, like it was a tourniquet, or whatever it's called. I actually like a boss for the rest of the day.   

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