Chapter 8 Science Experiment

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Ok I decided to at least get another chapter out before school starts on Wednesday for me. I'm kinda excited,  I hope none of my teachers are like the one I had for Spanish last year. Man she was annoying. Also I just wanted to thank everyone for the reads and the votes. Also I know the title of the book is School Has Me Like, but I might add in some stuff about life in general,  so yea that's all.

OK so one day at lunch the guys being, T, E, R, J, and the other E, went outside with my friends and I. (Yeah the whole letter thing is annoying but I don't want to use their real names but I guess I'll use fake ones for the next chapters.)

OK so we went outside, and it was nearly the end of the school year, so Y my crazy bestie decided oh guys let's burn some leaves.

For whatever reason we thought oh sure this could be fun. So we found some random leaf, and someone suggested that they could use my glasses to burn it.

I didn't really mind but then I remembered that I had a magnifying glass in my pocket. Don't ask why, but I won't tell you. So I just gave them that instead.

At first it didn't work, but after a while we noticed a burn mark on it. So we pressed on filled with a new sense of determination filling our youthful souls. And there we had it a slightly burned leaf. And our excuse for this, we were doing this in the name of science.

Now many of you might think that was dangerous, but when life is sometimes so short, why not invest in a slightly foolish en devoir. I like to think that's how it's spelled. 

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