Chapter 7 How Sneaky Can We Get?

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Ok so when I was in the eighth grade my class and our 6th period teacher had an agreement. You see right after lunch my class had 5th period Spanish,  which we all hate because the teacher was so annoying, and just..uggghhhh. So our 6th period teacher Mr. E said that whenever our Spanish teacher wasn't there that we should just come to his room.

So one day our Spanish teacher wasn't there, and I'm just relieved I don't have to be in the presence of her ratchetness. But that means that we would have to go to our 6th period class instead.

Now you may be wondering what's the purpose of this story, well the thing is my class was what my school likes to call the honors class or the A team. So of course we were all well behaved, smart, yada yada all all of that good stuff. So your probably thinking that we went to our 6th period class like we were suppose to. Well not exactly.

We decided hey why not just stay in the Spanish class room for the whole period, which is 42 minutes by the way. So that's exactly what we did, we sat there talking, reading, doing whatever we wanted to do, as long as we were quiet. And believe or not, we actually made it through the 42 minutes.

Somehow no one took a second glance at the dark classroom we were sitting in, no one. So when the bell rings, we walk out feeling pretty darn legite, with ourselves. I mean we were the like the only class to ever get away with a stunt like that.

So next period we all strut into History, feeling pretty slick, I admit that was a good move we pulled.

So we're all sitting in History class just doing our work, the usual. But here's were things get a little..sticky. Three girls from the class that has Spanish right after us, walk into the classroom. And I'm thinking to myself what the heck do they want.

So one of the girls say to Mr. E, "Would it be ok, if we stayed in here?" And I'm beginning to get worried. He asks, "Why don't you have a class?"

The same girl says, "Yea we do, but there is no teacher there and our class is just sitting in the classroom." Now the rest of my class is starting to get antsy.

Mr.E asks, "So you mean to tell me there is no adult in the classroom with you guys?" She says, " Nope, no teacher, administrator, nothing."  Then he turns to my class and asks clearly confused, "Wasn't there a teacher in the room with you guys?" And none of us dare says a word, it's so silence you could hear a pin drop with ease.

Everything is silent for a few moments and the only thing going on in my mind, is that man we must be so screwed right now. Then he suddenly says so casually and everything shrugging it off, "I'm not mad or anything,  I mean if you guys can get away with a stunt like that, who am I to be mad."

And my whole class erupts in sighs of relief, our souls just got sparred. And then he says, "Plus even if you guys did come, it's not like I would have even been there,  I was at a meeting." And for a moment I feel even more relieved but then the legite feeling I had from earlier diminished because if we had gone to his room, we probably would have gone to Spanish anyway.

But it was still kinda cool that we got away with it....sort of. And as for the three girls, some sub or person came after awhile.  Yep and that's it.

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