Chapter 9 Finding people in your fandom

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Ok the first three days of school I had were pretty good. The students don't seem to be total jerks, and the teachers are really cool, my favorites are my Earth science and World History teacher. But I just know my English teacher is going to be the teacher that gives too much homework. She gave us a worksheet, on the first day, and gave us an essay on Friday. For the essay we had to right a letter to our 8th grade self, reflecting on our successes and failures. Like seriously?! But I'm getting off topic.

So on Thursday our English teacher told us to bring a book for Friday's class so we can do some silent reading thing. And as I'm walking out the class I hear a girl say the word divergent. And I nearly die right then and there, but I ask, "You read divergent?!"

And she said yes, I was sooo hype. And it turns out she also likes the hunger games, AND the fault in our stars. Like when you find people that are in your fandoms, it's like finding a long lost twin, like where you hiding all this time bro.

So the next day at lunch, the girl let's just call her N, and her friend J, sit with my two friends and I. And we immediately hit it off, we're talking about the hunger games, divergent,  the fault in our stars, anime, even doctor who!! David Tennant, Ansel Elgort, Theo James, Natsu=baes.

It's so nice to find people in your fandoms, and then I realized wow I actually made two friends in the first few days of school. I must be good.  Oh and Korean dramas are good too.

Ohhh and before I forget,  you won't believe what I saw at lunch time!!! So I sit at a table that's right in front of the vending machine in the cafeteria.  And I see a boy walking past my table, and he's wearing a blue shirt that says Bow ties are cool,  and it has a picture of a bow tie at the top. And I nearly die, another doctor who fan found!!!

So I go up to the kid, and ask, "Hey do you have a tardis?" And he replies, "No I'm working on it, but I have a sonic screwdriver." And at that moment my life became complete. A fanboy has been found! Plus he's in my geometry class. That was an awesome Friday. I wonder if I'll find anymore fanboys?

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