5. Judith Grimes

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We made it to the highway. Andrea, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl, Sophia, & Hershel made it there about the same time we did. Daryl said he saw Dale go down, but as for Lori, Amy, & Beth, we don't know.

"Dad, should we go back & look, I mean it's mom." Carl whines.

"Carl, we can't, we'd die." Rick sighs.

"Carl, your mom is strong & she'll make it here. Just give her time." Carl nodded & gave me a long hug. We stayed on the highway for the night. The next morning Daryl & Andrea went hunting. They get back with a few squirrels. We eat.

"Look!?" I scream pointing at a woman walking towards us.

"Uh, is there a Rick Grimes here??" She asks confused.

"I'm him?? Who are you!!?" Rick pulls his gun out on the woman, so I do to, & Andrea, & Daryl pulls his crossbow out on her also.

"I'm Michonne. Lori sent me."

"Why!?" Rick asks, tilting his head, like always, haha.

"Amy was bit, she's ok, I took off her leg. Beth & Lori are with her. They sent me to find you. I saved them from some dead heads, that's when Amy got bit." Rick nods & him, Daryl, Andrea, Maggie, & Glenn go to get them. Me, Carl, Sophia, & Hershel stay on the highway with Judith. The whole group comes back about 30 minutes later. Amy is ok, I guess. Hershel fixed her up. We stay the next two nights right in that one spot on the highway, but then we head out on the road. We found a bus, so it's Me, Carl, Judith, Lori, Rick, Andrea, Michonne, Amy, Beth, & Hershel on it. Daryl on his motorcycle. & Maggie, Glenn, & Sophia are still driving one of the cars. Three days of driving then we finally hit the jackpot.

"RICK STOP THE BUS!!! It's a prison!!" I scream, with a huge smile on my face. Rick slams on the brakes & beeps the horn.

"Rick, we can't go in there, look walkers are freaking everywhere." Lori complains.

"Lori anywhere is better than no where." Rick snaps back. We all get out & start clearing through the walkers & into Cell block C. We slam the door shut, it's clear in the cell block, but Walkers are pouring onto our door. Glenn found three armer body suits & a map of the prison. We only have enough food to last a week if everyone eats everyday, so we make a list on who eats on what days. The list is just until we can get the walkers out of our way. Me, Carl, Sophia, Beth, Amy, & Andrea eat every other day. Rick, Daryl, Hershel, Glenn, Lori, & Maggie eat every two days. & Judith eats every day.

~~~~~30 days in~~~~~

It's been thirty days, we are now out of food & been out for almost a week, the only food we have is a few crackers & they go to Judith, she needs the food, she's little.

"There honey, that's the last damn cracker." Lori grunts.

"Let's use those damn suits & get some damn food!!!!!" Andrea yells, throwing her hands up.

"Andrea.....with all them we wouldn't get far....." Rick sighs, while shaking his head.

"I got an idea." Amy try's to stand after speaking.

"Ok, Amy??" Rick asks tilting his head.

"Rick, Andrea hear me out....."

"Ok, baby sis??"

"I wanna die....."

"WHAT THE HELL!?" Andrea screams.

"NO!! Andrea listen to me!!!"

"Oh, I'm definitely listening."

"Glenn, Rick, & Michonne can wear the suits & go through the herd. Sophia, Carl, Kaiti, & Daryl can fight walkers from in here through the bars. Andrea, you can shot any walkers who get to close to attacking Rick & them. Beth & Lori can keep Judith far from the gates. & Maggie can make sure the gate gets opened or closed when it needs to. & I'll be the bait....."

"AMY!! NO!!! It's a good plan, all but the end....."

"Andrea, you're my big sister, & I love you, but I'm slowing us down, I can't run or walk on my own, & I need to contribute, by giving y'all a chance!!!!!"

"Amy, my baby sister, my little sister, I love you so much!! & if this is truly what you want then I support you all the way!!!" Andrea looks at Rick & he nods, & Amy's plan goes through, perfectly. Almost all the walkers were took out, the ones that were left, Rick said we'd take out in a few days, when Andrea is ready. 

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