13. Ron

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I get up & walk to Rick.

"Rick I'm so sorry."

"Are you ok, Kaiti did he hurt you!?"

"More than you think." I say starting to tear up. Rick pulls me down into a hug, & I ball my eyes out. Carl walks up to us & kneels.

"Baby girl, are you ok!?" Carl says rubbing my back.

"I'm just sorry, so sorry." I cry into Rick's shoulder.

"Why?? Baby it wasn't your fault." Carl asks, kissing the back of my head.

"Daryl, come here." Rick yells.

"Rick....." I start.

"It's time he knew." Rick says pulling out of my arms.

"Y-yeah??" Daryl asks, clearly 'bout to cry.

"Kaiti, go ahead." Rick says rubbing my arm.

"Me & my mom were going to visit my uncles Merle & Daryl Dixon the day this all started. I met Merle. My mom is Lucile Rose Dixon Horn. & my dad is Negan Horn." I cry out in a whisper so no one else can hear, except for Rick, Daryl, & Carl. Everyone else is over at Glenn's & Abraham's bodies anyway.

"Oh shit, my little niece. How didn't he recognize you?? & where's my sister???" I look at Carl & he wraps his arms around me.

"She was at Terminus, she was their leader. & I don't know how he didn't recognize me." I say, then shoving my face into Carl's shoulder.

"& I can't believe my daddy did this!?" I cry even harder. Rick & Daryl get up & help the rest of the group pick up the two dead. We then carry them back to Alexandria. Carl & Me walk hand in hand all the way home. Once we get Alexandria, Me & Carl go straight to our 'honeymoon house'.

"Baby are you ok??"

"No, but yeah. How does my neck look??" Carl walks over to me & lifts my hair up.

"It don't look bad, it'll probably scar though."

"Yeah. Oh well." I say looking up into Carl's eyes.

"I want you, Cowboy." I say as I pull him down into a kiss. We make our way to the bedroom. & you know what happens.

The next day, we wake up & we head out to the Church for Glenn's & Abraham's funerals.

After the funerals, a big crash happens. Spencer wrecked a big truck into the gates & knocked down one of the gates. A loud horn from the truck went off, it wouldn't stop.

"Carl, what are we gonna do!?" I scream as we run to find Rick. Walkers are pouring in.

"I don't know, look!! There's my dad!!!" Carl points at Rick & we run to Him, Jessie, Ron, Sam, Andrea, & Judith.

"Kaiti, Carl, hurry get in!!" Rick yells, motioning us in.

"We need to get out to the armory.....I saw Daryl, Michonne, & Olivia run in there." Rick says looking out the window.

"How can we!?" Jessie asks.

"Jessie, calm down, I'm sure we can fight our way there." Andrea says.

"No, your not fighting." Rick says.

"Rick, I can't stay here!!" Andrea snaps.

"Baby, I wouldn't make you stay here, that's not what I meant."

"Rick, I got an idea!! Grab some old cloths, put on any shirts or something that you can put over your cloths, & then let's grab a walker & put it's guts on us & then we can walk there with out any trouble." I say running to grab some old shirts. We do my idea. We walk slow & together. Everything is going good until.

"MOMMY I CA--" Sam screams as walkers attack him.

"NO!!" Jessie screams before getting attacked herself.

We continue to walk then.

"Kaiti, come with me I know a way out." Ron whispers to me.

"No, I can't leave Rick or Carl." I whisper back.

"Rick can't come, he's the leader he needs to find the others. & Carl, we don't need him to do what we are gonna be doing."

"I can't believe you, your mom & brother just died & look at what's going on right now!!!!!" I shout/whisper.

"Fine bitch!!" Ron screams as he pulls out his gun & shoots Carl.

"CARL!!" I scream, then I shot Ron's arm & leg. Walkers get him.

"D-da-d??" Carl manages to get out before passing out.


"I know!! It's his eye!!!" Rick says as he picks up Carl & starts running towards the armory. I start shooting every Walker I see get near Rick, until where both inside the armory. After Rick lays Carl down he looks up at Olivia.

"Save him!! Please!!!" Rick yells before grabbing his ax & running back outside.

"RICK!?" I scream, then I grab my gun & an extra clip. I run after Rick & Me, Rick, Daryl, & Michonne take out every Walker that flooded Alexandria. I even took out Walker Ron.

~~~~~Five Days Later~~~~~

It's been five days, Carl still hasn't woke up. Rick & Andrea went home today. I'm not gonna leave Carl's side.

"Carl, I know you can't hear me, but please wake up, I love you, & I'm NOT gonna leave your side. If you die & then turn, you're gonna have to just bite me & yeah. I love you!!!!!" I start to cry on his chest.

"Hey, uh Kaiti, it's time to change his bandage." Olivia says walking into the room.

"It's fine, I'll do it."

"No, Kaiti, I think I should."

"NO!! OLIVIA I CAN DO IT!!! He's my husband, he's my Cowboy." I say starting tear up.

"Ok, I'll be upstairs if you need me." I nod & she walks out.

I grab the bandage & the medical spray. I walk over to Carl. I gently take of his bandage off. I spray his, place where an eye once was. Then I put his new bandage on him.

"My sexy lil Cowboy." I say before kissing his forehead.

"K-Kaiti??" I jump & face Carl.

"CARL!? Oh my GOD thank you!!!" I give him a hug.

"My eye??"

"Carl, I'm sorry. Ron shot you. He's dead now." I say while repeatedly kissing his chest.

"He shot my eye out??"

"Uh I think so....." I say tearing up, Carl has tears in his eye also.

"Baby girl?? I love you!!!"

"I love you too!!!!!" Carl pulls me down into a kiss.

Olivia makes Carl spend two more nights there. Then me & him get to go back to our 'honeymoon house'.

"Here we are baby." I say leading Carl inside.

"Yeah, home sweet home." Carl says pulling me into a kiss.

"Olivia said that I need to change that bandage when we got home, so let's go do that." I say pulling out of the kiss.


"Carl, it's ok??"

"I don't want you to see it. I saw it & it's gross, I look like a monster." Carl says, hanging his head.

"Cowboy, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I've changed it before, I've seen it & you don't look like a monster, you look extremely sexy."


"Promise." Carl pulls me into a kiss & it leads to you know what.   

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