14. Lucile

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"Babe??" Carl says as soon as I start to wake up.

"Yeah, Cowboy??" I yawn out.

"I've been thinking all morning & I think we need some distance." I jump up, fully awake.

"WHAT!?" I scream throwing one arm out.

"You deserve someone with two eyes, someone normal. I'm not him. I look like a monster. & I don't want you to live with me or see me, & my disgusting face." Carl says, getting out of bed & walking towards the window.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I scream while putting Carl's shirt on & my underwear.

"Yes, I'm sorry Kaiti, but you'll understand, eventually."


"Kaiti, please understand. We can't be together. This isn't a Disney film, we can't be the Beauty & the Beast." Carl says turning towards me.

"WHAT THE HELL!? CARL ARE YOU INSANE!!?" I say throwing my arms in the air. Rick & Andrea must have heard us, cause they came running into our bedroom, in the 'honeymoon house'.

"Kaiti, stop screaming it's over!!!!!" Carl says throwing his arms out.

"Wha--" Rick started, but then I slapped Carl & walked out. Andrea followed me, I grabbed my pants & I ran outside & to the gate.

"Rosita open the gate!!" Rosita did as I asked without question. I ran & ran. I only had my knife & I was in tears.

I can't believe Carl did that!? I can't believe I slapped him!!! But he had no right to leave me.....we just got married, we've been through all of this & he decides to cut me off over his eye!? I love him, I freaking love him!!!!!

Now I'm crying so hard that I can't even see. I decide to just sit down & cry. I hear moans, but I'm crying to much to be able to see what's happening. Then I see a swing of a bat. Then someone helps me up.

"Hey there, it was Judith right??" A man asks. I wipe my eyes, then I see him.

"Negan!?" I say, bugging my eyes.

"Why yes!! Now why does Rick have a poor, little helpless girl out here, alone??" Negan says while leaning some.

"He don't. I left to work off some steam. You killed my Family." I say giving him an angry look.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I do believe it was fair, don't you agree??" He says looking deep into my eyes.

"In some way I see where your coming from, but at the same time I don't."

"You know.....you look more familiar than you should." Negan says looking me up & down.

"I d-do??"

"Nah, you just make me think of my wife. To bad she's probably gone." Negan says looking at the ground, obviously hurt.

"Sorry." I don't know why I feel bad for him, he doesn't deserve sympathy.

"Don't be sorry sweetie, I just got one hell of an idea!!!!!" Negan says with a 'Negan smile'.

"Huh??" Right then he walks around me & takes the back side of the bat & wacks the back of my head, causing me to black out.

When I wake up we are driving up towards Alexandria, my hands are tied & I have tape over my mouth.

Negan pulls me out, but keeps me behind him & this other guy.

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