6. Daryl Dixon

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Five days later we clear out the walkers & Andrea puts down 'Amy'. We've made the prison a real home. Rick & Lori share a cell. Me, Carl, & Judith share a cell. Sophia, Maggie, & Glenn share a cell. Hershel & Beth share a cell. Andrea & Michonne share a cell. & then the last cell has our food & gear in it. Lori hasn't fused with me much, I guess she's lighting up on me. Hershel got us a garden going. Everything is going really good.

**Time Skip**

It's been 3 years since Amy died, a lot has happened. Maggie & Glenn had a baby boy, Michonne & Daryl kinda got together, Hershel got really sick & died, Beth quit talking to anyone other than Lori, Lori & Rick are sleeping in separate cells now, Me & Carl are still best friends, & Judith & Sophia are unseperarteable. Me & Carl are 15. Judith is 5. Sophia is 17. & Beth is 19. Oh & Maggie & Glenn's baby is 1 years old, his name is 'Aaron'.

"Hey Ri--" I stop myself from finishing that, when I see Rick & Andrea making-out, BIG TIME!!!!! They both jump off eachother.

"Oh!! Uh, Kaiti!!?" Andrea stutters, as Rick laughs. Andrea playfully punches Rick.

"Kaiti, this is, we are kinda a thang." Rick explains.

"Good, you two look perfect for eachother, but aren't you still with, uh Lori." I ask, regreting that I did.

"I guess technically, but no. Me & Andrea really love eachother, & it's just not, I don't know." Rick try's to explain, then him & Andrea both chuckle.

"Yay, haha, I'm really happy, to see that my favorite old man is happy." We all laugh.

"So?? Kaiti???"

"So?? Andrea???"

"When is 'Carti' gonna happen!?"

"Carti!? Haha, what's tha--, oh!!?"

"Kaiti, come on y'all are best friends, & have been for like five or so years. You guys say you love eachother, & y'all are so cute together."

"Uh, ok, bye Rick, Andrea." I say blushing & running out, I can hear Rick & Andrea laughing. I go & find Carl, he's reading a comic.

"Hey beautiful!!" Carl says shutting his comic.

"Hey."  I say ignoring the 'beautiful'.

"Kaiti, it's a good thing you came in now."


"I had something to ask you, & I was having second thoughts."

"Oh!? Ok!!?"

"Kaiti, please come here." I walk over to Carl & he takes my hands in his.


"Kaiti, you are so beautiful, brave, & amazingly perfect, to me. & I was wondering if you'd quit being my best friend??"

"Uh, should I say thanks?? Or be offended???" Carl starts to laugh & then he stands up, he puts his hands on my cheeks & kisses me.

"How 'bout you say 'yes'??"

"Yes?? Yes to what???"

"Yes, to being my girlfriend!?"

"Oh!? Well let me think!!!"


"Carl!! Of course!!!" I grab his face & kiss him, it fells so weird, but also so amazing!!!!! He deepens the kiss & grabs my ass. Then Rick walks in our cell.

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