11. Deanna Porter

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It's been two weeks since Rick & Daryl have became our leaders. Turns out Spencer isn't to happy about Rick being the leader instead of him. I don't trust Spencer, & I'm gonna keep an eye on him. Olivia & here little group have kept there distance, but they're very friendly, they're just scared & have trust issues, but I can't blame them. Jessie & her two sons have came over a couple times & hung out with me & Carl, but I honestly don't like them, they've never been out there, they've never seen a walker up close. I like Enid, she's been out there, she was almost out there as long as us, turns out she got here about a month or so before us, she lost her parents out there. Rick has people on shifts guarding the gate & other jobs. He had me teach Olivia & Tara some medical things. He has Sasha, Bob, Abraham, & Rosita rotating shifts on the gate. He has George guarding the armery. & he has Tyreese, Ryan, Billy, & Glenn going out on runs. He has Maggie watching Judith & Aaron. He has Me, Enid, & Daryl hunting every other day. & has for Carl he's on watch Andrea duty. Andrea's almost 4 months now & Rick wants someone with her at all times & that's Carl. Oh yeah, as for Jessie, Ron, & Sam, Rick has them watching over Rations. Everything is going good here, I actually love it here. But today is the day that Me & Carl are getting Married. Rick found out that we asked Gabriel, so he wants us to have a wedding. He says that we deserve a wedding cause that's what normal people in the normal world do. Last week Andrea & Rick had a real wedding, so now it's mine & Carl's turn & I'm very nervous. We didn't invite everyone like Rick & Andrea did. We only invited Rick, Andrea, Judith, Maggie, Glenn, Aaron, Daryl, & Michonne, well Gabriel will also be there. For Rick's wedding it was just a simple they walk down the aisle & say there I do's, but Maggie refuses to let me do that. Oh yeah, & Maggie & Glenn are planning to get Married next month. Anyway I gotta go get hitched.

"Carl Richard Grimes, do you take Judith Kaiti Horn, to be your wife, in sickness & in health??"

"I do." Carl smiles at me. I know I'm red, & getting redder, my hands are wet with sweat.

"& do you, Judith Kaiti Horn, take Carl Richard Grimes, to be your husband for richer or for poorer??"

"I-I do." I say trying to breath.

"I now pronounce you Mr. & Mrs. Grimes!! You may now kiss the bride!!!" Carl pulls me in close & kisses me with the most sweetest kiss ever. It's the first time we've just kissed in front of everyone, I thought it would be awkward & scary, but honestly it's amazing.

After the wedding everyone went to do there daily duties except me & Carl, we had a honeymoon type thing. Rick said we could spend a couple nights alone in the empty house, so that's where we are.

"Home sweet home, haha." Carl says carrying me in bridal style.

"Yeah, for the next three days." I says giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah true, baby girl." Carl sits me down on the kitchen counter. I roll my eyes.

"So what should we do next??" I ask leaning forward.

"Uh, I don't know."

"Me either. Haha. We're so lame."

"Haha. Apparently." Then I grab Carl's shirt collar & pull him into a kiss. He picks me up off the counter & I wrap my legs around his sides. He's walking, but I don't think either of us know where to. Then all of the sudden he's on top of me & where on the couch. We're still kissing, but then Carl breaks the kiss & starts kissing my neck, then he stops & looks right into my eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

With that we begun to kiss again, breaking the kiss to take off my shirt & then breaking it again to take off Carl's shirt. He kisses up & down my stomach, then he unbuckles his pants & takes them off. My mind is going crazy, so many thoughts that I can't even fully process this right now. Once his pants are off, he takes mine off & then we re-connect our kiss. We sit up while still kissing & he takes off my bra & slings it across the room. I don't know why he wants me, I'm skinny & I don't have anything. Then after he slings it across the room, he keeps our kiss together while he takes both mine & his underwear off, we're naked now. & you know what happens.

~~~~~Next Day~~~~~

I wake up in a bed, with nothing but a sheet on me. I wrap the sheet around me & run down stairs to get my cloths on. After I get them on, I grab Carl's & take them up stairs & lay them on the bed. I throw the sheet over him & I kiss him over & over until he wakes up.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Grimes." He says yawning & giving me a kiss.

"Morning, Mr. Grimes." I say after we I disconnect from our kiss.

"Whatcha wanna do today??"

"I don't know, Cowboy whatcha wanna do today!?" We both laugh & then we kiss again. Carl gets up & gets dressed then we go down stairs & eat some canned beans. After we eat we go outside. Turns out Glenn & Ryan didn't come back yesterday after the went on a run. So Rick's sending out a search party.

"Andrea you stay here with the kids. I need Maggie, Abraham, Carl, Kaiti, Daryl, & Michonne to go with Me, the rest stay here & watch the gates."

We head out, but everywhere we go there's trees or walkers blocking our way. Then we give up, & decide to just walk through the woods. That's when it happens the whistling starts. I know that whistle. Next thing I know a bunch of men starts putting us on our knees. Then I hear a man start to talk, I can't really see his face, but I can hear him.

"Are we pissing our pants yet!?" 

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