7. Glenn Rhee

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Carl has recently been accidentally calling Andrea, 'mom', yeah Lori doesn't know, nor needs to know. Lori don't talk to any of us, other than Beth & sometimes Maggie or Michonne, but that's it. But today that may half to change.

"KAITI!! CARL!!! COME HERE." Rick screamed.

"Yeah?? Rick!!?"

"Kaiti, I know you usually go hunting with Daryl, but a herd came through, a big one. Most of them moved on, but they knocked down the fence. Some got in & we need to split up into groups, so that we can hopefully get rid of them."

"Ok, Rick."

"Ok, dad."

"Lori, Beth, Sophia, Judith, & Kaiti, Group 1. Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, & Glenn, Group 2. & Carl, Andrea, & Me, Group 3. Now go!!!!!" We all start to go, but Rick grabs my arm.

"Keep a close watch on Judith, I know you'll protect her." I nod & give Rick a hug. Then Carl grabs me.

"Please be carful, Love."

"I will, Carl, you be careful." He hugs me, then we all go. My group has the tombs. Rick's group is outside, & Daryl's group is covering the other cell blocks. Walkers are everywhere in the tombs. I pick up Judith, I'll never break my promise to protect the ones I love.

"All hands on deck!! Kaiti, let Judith walk!!!" Lori screams.

"No, she won't make it, & I ain't gonna let her die, or get bit!!!!!"

"Then hand her here."

"No!! Just keep going foreword."

"You little--- AH HELP!!!!!" I froze as I witness Lori getting bit. I fight my way to her, Beth's still going ahead, & so is Sophia. I kill every Walker near us, with Judith in my left hand. Then I look at Lori, blood gushing out of her arm.

"Lori, I gotta knife!! It's the only way now!!!"

"Nooooo please, maybe I'll be fine." Lori crys.

"Kaiti, maybe mommy & daddy can help Lori!?" Judith crys out, trying to help.

"WHAT I'M YOUR MOTHER!?" Lori screams then bursts into tears.

"I'm so sorry, Judith stand back & keep watch."

"Okiiidokiiii." I turn to Lori, pull out my knife, & the cut her arm off, as fast as I could. I finally got it off, Lori was screaming & crying, I don't blame her though, a lot is going on right now with her.

"KAITI!! WALKERS!!!" I get up & I run to Judith.

"Get back over there & watch L--, I mean your mom." I catch Lori smiling at me, then she passes out, oh great, she's losing blood.

"Shit, shit, shit!!!!!" I take care of all the walkers that were drew in by Lori's agonizing screams, & then I rush to Lori. I rip her shirt & then wrap it around her arm.

"We'll stitch it when we're outside." I pick up Lori, bridal style, she's heavy, but I gotta save her.

"Grab the knife, & the gun, Judith. If any walkers come, try to shoot them in the head, or just run along with me."

"Oooook." We run as fast as we can straight foreword. We make it outside, we only saw one Walker, Judith shot it right in the middle of the forehead. I run & run, I don't see Rick or Daryl or anyone, I just see thousands of walkers.

"Uh Judith, keep close to me, we are going this way." We run & run, until we are far from the prison & the walkers. Once I believe we are safe, I stop.

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