12. Negan...

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"Are we pissing our pants yet!?.....We'll be in peepee pants city, here real soon!!!" The man says walking around swing a bat. He continues to talk.

"Now which one of you prick's name is 'Rick'."

"That one right there." Ryan said pointing at Rick. Ryan's a trader!!!!!"

"Ah, oh hello Rick, Rick Grimes right??" Rick just gives the man that head tilt. I still can't see the mans face though.

"Yep, your Rick. I'm Negan. & this here bats name is 'Lucile', ain't she pretty!?" Wait 'NEGAN', no, no, no!!!!!

"Well let's get this down flat. Ryan here says that you were the group that killed my 30 men at that out post?? Now is that true, Rick!?" Rick looks around at us, yes it happened, but we can't tell him that, can we!?

"Yeah, it was us." Rick says looking Negan right in the eye.

"Oh good. Now I know the right people will suffer."

"What!?" Rick asks, clearly confused.

"You're gonna work for me now, & that means I get half your shit. & one of you have to die. One man for 30, sounds like a fair deal, don't it??"

"No one has to die." Rick says sitting up straight.

"Ok, well your wrong Rick. Ryan tell me these wonderful people's names." Oh no he can't know I'm here, things may go worse than they already are.

"Rick, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Carl, & uh Judith." Wait did he just call me 'Judith'??

"Alrighty then. Let's play a game. Einnie, minni, minei, moe. Ah to hell with the game, you are it!!" Negan takes his bat & slams it over Abraham's head.

"Suck. My. Nuts." Abraham says before getting his whole head bashed in.

"Did you hear that?? He said 'suck my nuts'. Haha." Negan laughs & mocks Abraham. Daryl jumps up & slaps the shit outta Negan, but his men drag Daryl back down & then Negan runs to Daryl.

"Ok, don't try that again, if you do I WILL shut that shit down, that one was free." Negan says getting in Daryl's face. Daryl spits on Negan & then.

"Alright fair deal. I remember you Daryl. Daryl Dixon, you have your sister's attitude." Negan gives a smile & then leans. Oh shit he knows Daryl, what if he realizes who I am!!!!!

"How you know my sister!?" Daryl screams.

"I'm the one who knocked her up, 16 or so years ago." Negan bites his lips & leans some more.

"Where my sister at!?"

"Oh you don't know!? Well I guess she lied to me, cause she told me that she was going to visit you & that stupid dickhead brother of yours. Back two days before all this shit happened." Daryl looks at the ground, he's clearly upset, but Negan don't seem to be.

"Are you telling me that my little girl & my wife didn't make it!?" Negan screams, & then running over to Glenn & starts bashing his skull in.

"NOO STOP!!" I scream, thinking about how Aaron will no longer have a daddy & that Maggie will be a widow. Negan runs over to me & wakes me over the back of the neck/head with Lucile.

"I said I would shut that shit down!!" Negan says walking off.

"See ya in two weeks, Ricky my boy." On that note Negan & his people piled in their cars & left.  

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