heart flutters lightly
wonder sweetens soul
coiled emotions unroll
forever withheld tightlybrain sours slightly
over joys heart stole
heart flutters lightly
wonder sweetens souleyes sparkle brightly
smiling out of control
a pleased face they extol
coloring cheeks rightly
heart flutters lightly____
Rondel is a French form consisting of 13 lines: two quatrains and a quintet, rhyming as follows: ABba abAB abbaA. The capital letters are the refrains, or repeats.
Source: shadowpoetry.com
A/N: Well... The title says it all!! 🙈 I just can't thank you guys enough!! Your comments make my days! They give me pleasure, hope and sheer joy!! You build me. Each one of you. I am all for hugging through cyberspace so here are hugs 🤗🤗 and an additional gift- chocolates! 🍫🍫🍫With hearts! 💕💖 Custom made XD
Haha my goofiness aside, this poem is a token of my gratitude for all your help :)))) I love you all!!!
Oh mahn I just realized I sound like a celebrity LOL. Arrogant and full of myself XD anyway this is how I get when I am overwhelmed - cheesy and goofy and affectionate!!! LOL. And I share chocolates from my secret stash hehe! Also, I just noticed that Paper Wings got a lot of reads over such a short time although I hear only from a few. Thanks to all the silent readers who keep me in their library. I am eternally grateful for your time!! :))))))
Okay that's enough blabbering for this year XD
I hope you had a lovely weekend! 🎊🎈💜
Paper Wings
PuisiIn a blink, paper wings from before and after join their hands-- to carry me off, to carry me away; to a country, where happiness is the medium; to a country, where tears are taboo; to a country, with one season. A season dictated by Paper Wings...