7: Swords and Mirrors

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When the sun woke Malon, she was shocked to find someone in Zelda's bed. She went to scream her best friend's name but then remembered about him.

Malon tried and failed to wake Sheik. She noticed he was in the throes of a nightmare. Then she quietly picked up her violin and played a song- A song of storms. The song that she and Zelda would play for each other when they got scared by storms. It eased Sheik a little.

Malon went down for breakfast.

"Morning Runia."

"Morning Malon."

"What's on the menu?" She asked, grinning.

"We've got some porridge but that's about it." The Goron replied, offering a choice of bowls.

"Thank you. Did you hear that Ganon and Majora have both been spotted in Castle Town?" Malon chatted, taking the bowl of food.

"I did, that means they are hopefully making a move. Speaking of the war, Impa wants to hold a war meeting after breakfast." Darunia said, starting on his own breakfast as well.

"I'll be there." Malon said, taking her bowl to be cleaned.

Later, all gathered in the War Room.

"Since Sheik is drawing them out of the city, when they are out of reach, we can safely take the Master Sword." Nabooru smiled.

"Ruto, Malon, and Saria shall take the master sword, while Darunia, Nabooru and myself shall head to the Mirror of Twilight and get the last sage." Impa said, making it clear this wan't a negotiation.

"What about the funeral?" Ruto asked, still melancholy after the letter.

"We shall hold off on our pursuit of the blade until tomorrow." Malon smiled, clasping Ruto's webbed hand in her own.

"Thank you." Ruto smiled weakly, trying to not cry loads.

"We shall be back with Midna within three days, if we aren't and you haven't heard why, wait a day or two then run."

"Likewise with us." Saria smiled. Saria did sort of age with the others now, but she was still certainly babyfaced and shorter than the rest. Her childlike appearance was most noticeable when she smiled, she got two cute dimples in her cheeks.

"Do you want me to help with the funeral?" Sheik said, appearing out of the shadows.

"Yes, thank you." Ruto said.

"Then we must away." Impa said, grabbing her bags as Darunia and Nabooru did the same.

"Farewell!" Malon smiled, waving to them as they sped away on their horses.

"To the pond; you three must have your instruments." Ruto said as she walked out to the little lake.

The three still remaining in the house went to their rooms to get their instruments. Saria picked up her treasured Fairy Ocarina, which has been passed down from the original Saria. Sheik found his lyre and Malon grabbed her violin.

"Was that you playing the music earlier?" Sheik asked, staring at the violin.

"What?" Malon asked.

"I heard music in my dream last night, was that you?" Sheik said, comically dragging each word out.

"You looked like you were having a nightmare, so I played a song which Zelda and I always sung when we had nightmares and it calmed you down. May I ask what your nightmare was about?"

"It was the night Dr Mizumi found me, I was alone in a cave near lake Hylia, there was a massive storm, my mum and I hid there from idiots who hate Sheikah and she wrapped me in her clothes and froze to death in the rain. Dr M found me the next morning, half freezing and asleep. He sent for Impa a few weeks later." Sheik said, almost crying.

"Don't worry, I lost my mother and my brother when I was three. Ganondorf came here because he sensed the hero would be here. He thought it was my brother so Ganondorf possessed him and made my brother kill my mother and her horse. That's what I used to have nightmares about, now I dream about my family dying one by one and I have to watch." Malon said, almost crying.

The pair then hugged for a moment and then went outside.

Noon was a minute away.

"Saria, would you start the Serenade of Water please." Ruto said, laying the effigy of her father on a kelp raft.

The Kokiri girl nodded and started playing on her ocarina. Ruto started singing the song in an ancient language, the one the Zora use when at a funeral or a wedding. She nodded at Malon, who joined in the singing and started playing along as Ruto held the effigy as she walked into the water. The queen of the Zora let go of the effigy and it started sinking as Sheik joined in on his lyre.

Meanwhile, a similar affair with the real body was occuring simultaneously in the Zora's Domain.

They kept playing until the effigy lay against the seabed.

The trio mounted horses-and Sheik got on Epona.

"Hey! That's..."

"Zelda's horse, I know, but she seems to like me, seems an awful shame to not ride her." Sheik smirked, riding off.

In another part of Hyrule, the trio of sages were galloping across the country, traversing past the Gerudo desert in the heat, which only bothered the horses because Sheikah, Gerudo and Gorons are all somewhat used to heat.

They were beginning to tire as they came across what they were looking for: A former sage temple turned prison for monsters-and rebels. Deep inside was the mirror of twilight.
"Dismount." Impa said, dismounting Nocta, her black mare. The others did the same, with Nabooru dismounting her stallion, the swift and slight Brae and Darunia dismounting his giant stallion, the shire horse Brokk. Impa tied up the horses in the shade and left them with water and food, so they wouldn't die.

The trio walked in unseen, somewhat quietly walking through right down to the center, where they found the Mirror of twilight, where a piece was missing. Nabooru procured the fragment from her pack and it magically joined together with the rest of the Mirror. The Mirror glowed black and teal as a figure stepped through.

"Majesty." Impa bowed as Midna, the twilight queen arrived and the others did the same.

"You have no need to bow to me or call me majesty, Shadow-Kin, and neither do your friends. I only ask why you reopened the portal my ancestor sealed to protect both of us centuries ago." Midna smiled.

"You are the last sage, it is your destiny to protect both your realm and ours against Ganondorf and Majora." Impa explained.

"What am I the sage of?" Midna asked, smiling.

"Light, ironic, I know, but your line has the most light in your hearts aside from Zelda, you will always wish to help others. That's why you're the sage of light, Queen Midna." Impa smiled.

"Ah. Where must we travel to?"

"Lon Lon Ranch, to meet with the other sages."

Meanwhile, the other sages were in the temple of time, the Master Sword freshly polished and cleaned. Malon tiptoed closer, inching toward the Sword. Soon, she was in front of it. It gleamed and sort of beckoned for Malon to take it. Malon swiftly removed the Master Sword from the pedestal and it reacted to her touch, welcoming her.

"Hello, dear sister." A voice said, hissing the last word.

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