🍋modern InkSans x modern Reader🍋

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Party avoiders

"Uh... bitch, no I won't go to this party?!" I was hissing at my friends, when they got ready for tonight. We were at the place of Keira, I thought we would maybe do some funny games or maybe go out to a cinema, but I didn't think they wanted to go to a party.

"Why?! It's just a party with friends..."

"Uh-uh. This 'one' friend! He's my fucking ex! You know what he did!" With a pouting gesture, I stomped around in the room, retold the story of mine. The others just stared a little at me, or listened while putting on the make-up.

"Yeah, yeah. (Y/N), I... we all know this. But come on, you're over him, right? You can prove it and come with us! If you still don't want to stay there, we will leave." Keira reached out a hand in my direction, waiting for me to accept the deal and after a short while I gave in. Because of my bad mood, I grabbed the black palette of her and surrounded my eyes with it, to look like a total freak.

"Are you serious?" Julia just ended gluing on her fake eye-lashes and winking at me with an annoyed expression. Returning her expression, I just shrugged and pounded on Keira's bed waiting for the others to finish.

Soon, we had done it and stood in front of a building, I just knew it, because this was a kind of party house around here. A little further behind, Keira was already chatting with some sort of old friend and we, Julia, Liza, Ricky and me withstood in the cold air for her. I could hear the loud bass tune inside of the house, making me feel uncomfortable and disturbed. With a restless turning of my head, I was checking the surrounding and expecting my ex to jump out of a bush or something.

"I'm freezing my butt out here. Let's get there and dance a little for warming-up again." Julia said, tearing and pushing us through the entrance and rushing through a sort of wardrobe further into a large dancing room. I didn't know anyone there, so, I just dodged everyone, smiling briefly, if someone smiled at me and finally reached the back wall.

"Thank goodness. I'm save."

"Save of whom?" Oh no. This voice. It was 'him'. With an awkward turn, I rotated my body around, looking into a grinning meatball with blond hair. His blue eyes flashed over my face, detecting the dark circles around my eyes and a dubious look came up.

"Of humans, I can't stand'em." I said with a really deep and serious voice, that stopped our conversation for a short time. Then, he started to howl loudly and slapping his leg, exaggerating the whole thing a little bit.

"Ha... you always were a real comedian, (Y/N)."

"I'm serious."

"Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I heard your single since we both broke up, well... So sorry for you..." If I was naïve or something, I think I would've thanked him for these words, but... Bitch, I heard his shitty sarcastic undertone and heck yes, I grew furious.

"Just one thing. Fuck off." I was hearable in the whole room, a few heads turned around in our direction, but I already rushed on the other side of the room, hiding in a corner and putting up my hood.

Sometimes, I peeked through my strands, watching the massy crowd moving to a music I hated. With time, I grabbed my earphones and stuck it in. Some meme music tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't really helpful in the moment.

"Really now, you've got nothing more to do than sitting there like a total creep and spreading bad mood everywhere? Can't you just tear yourself together and be a little more fun?" Julia kneeled down to me, pulling at a string of my earphones to get my attention. I just showed her my tongue and ignored her for the last seconds, before she went away.

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