Horror!Sans x depressive Reader

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Attention! Gore and Insulting!

A beloved prisoner (Part 3)

"And where is Papyrus going to?" Me and Sans were just sitting in the kitchen, he had given me a plate filled with the usual soup, next to it was a filled spaghetti plate, without the meat Papyrus was always eating. I didn't know, why I wasn't allowed to eat meat, but Sans was always getting really upset if a meat slice just getting near me.

"I dunno... I guess, he's recalibrating his puzzles... He's always out there for like a full day, so... It's time for ya to pay me back, what I've given to you... Eat up ya stuff and after that, you'll call me, no fucking tricks, bitch..." With this, he disappeared in the living room, I could hear him sipping at his disgusting ketchup bottle, I didn't even know what was in that stuff. Maybe blood or something like that...

I lifted up the plate with the soup and started to slurp out the liquid, earning an annoyed reaction of Sans, but I went on slurping it out. Next were the spaghettis, they were a little under-salted, but eatable. Usually, I was really fast with eating, but now, I was forcing myself to eat as slowly as I could and I guess, it passed like an hour, when Sans stamped back in the kitchen to look what I was doing this long.

Our eyes met, after that I avoided his angry expression and slowly shoved some more spaghetti into my mouth. The silence grew more and more tense, nobody of us was saying something, just my chewing noises were hearable. After a while, Sans couldn't stand it anymore and walked up in front of me, on the other side of the table. Another moment passed, when he suddenly slammed his hands on the table, causing my plate to make a slight jump in the air and me twitching hard.

"You're doin this on purpose, don't ya?!"

"No." It was obvious, that I was lying to him, because my voice sounded really shaky and high. Sans' face darkened, he groped roughly my hair and slammed me down on the table, my nose gave a short cracking sound and some blood started to ran out of it.

"Now again... are you doin this on purpose?!"

"Yes. Fucking shithead." If I had been able to stand up and ran away, I would've definitely did it then and ran up in Sans' room or out of this fucking house, but my legs were still fucked. So, I just sat there, my head hanging at the grip of Sans and I stared down on the table, just to look pointless at the blood under me.

Sans let go of me after a while, I heard him shuffle around the table and lifting me up on his arms. We went straight into the well-known bathroom, he cleaned up my nose and did it to stop the bleeding, but my nose still looked so fucking broke.

"You start to look like a disgusting corpse..." His sarcastic laugh, caused me to flash pissed at him and drag my face out of his hands. His reaction was rather surprised, that angry and he looked at me asking.

"I'm looking like this since you and your fucking brother caught me."

"So, you're tellin me it's all my fault?" I began to realize, that I was about to get in bigger trouble, so I just muted and looked up to him.

You should never.

Absolutely never ignore Sans. He can get even more furious, as if you throw an insult at him or something else. So, it was again not a good idea to not answer his question, his hands moved up to my hurting nose and like a protection mechanism, I grabbed his wrists to hold him back. It was ridiculous of me to think, that I was stronger than him.

"Answer. My. Question, you stupid little brat."

"Of course, it is." I don't know what he expected by my answer, if he wanted me to tell him, that I didn't blame him or something. Or that he was already aware of his guilt and he only wanted to teas me, and so, I watched him after my answer, he did stop for a second with his moving hand.

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