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I was walking out of the school to see the kid I fought with this morning. I tried to walk fast and make him not notice me, but I had bad luck. "Hey sexy!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes turning around, "what?" "I'm having a party tonight." "And I'm not going." "Yes you are!" He grabbed me harshly. "Tonight at 8:30." "And wear something hot." He threw me to the ground. "Jerk." I said under my breath. "FUCK!" I yelled loudly. Most of the people looked at me weirdly. "Yeah people keep staring!" I yelled sarcastically. They looked away talking to one another. I turned around to see that same old kid I keep running into. "FUCKING HELL YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled a bit louder this time. He chuckled. "By the way, just call me hottie." He said then walked away. I growled under my breath and sighed heavily. "Well I'm in hell." I said and continued to walk home.

Alana *7:50pm*

I decided to get ready for the party that kid invited me to. I just pulled out shorts that were just below my butt. I put on a crop top and a little mascara.

Matthew Espinosa

That new girl is cute, I like her but I just can't show her the right way. She will never like me back if I keep doing terrible things to her. But I really don't care I still like her.


It's 8:10 pm, almost time for the party. I heard a honk outside to see that hottie kid out there. I pulled at my hair then told myself to calm down. I walked out the door and to his car. "Hey sexy." "Hey." I mumbled turning to the window. "Hot shorts." I turned to him to see a smirk on his face. "Take that smirk off your face." "Why? What will you do?" "Just hurry up and drive." About 10 minutes later we were in front of a huge house. It had flashing lights and blaring music that was so loud you can feel the vibration where I'm standing. Blondie walked off making me follow behind him. As we got inside his house the music got louder. I looked around to see him nowhere in sight. I rubbed my temples then walked to the kitchen and get a drink. I got a soda but it tasted weird. Oh my gosh, it was fucking spiked! I let it go but drank more and more and got drunk. A guy walked towards me. "Hey beautiful." he flirted. "Hey." "H-have you seen that kid that started the party?" I asked. "He's right over there." He pointed to him making out with another dirty blonde girl. I walked to them pulling him off of her making her jaw drop. "Take me home." "Why?" "Are you drunk?" He asked. "Oh I don't think so!" I yelled annoyed and sarcastically. "Okay then, you are." He brought me home. I didn't bother to change so I just went under the blankets and fell right to sleep.

*ON HOLD!*Her bully (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now