13 - Amusement Park

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This month will be the longest month I've ever lived in my 17 years of existence. Day 5 of this project was fun though. It was a weekend. And I dragged Derik with me. I was in glee when I saw my little ones. Ariyelle was wearing this cute dress. I really think it was sophisticated. Flynn was, well his old self. Nerdy look. But in spite of it, I love him dearly.

"I have something awesome installed for you my darlings." I said hugging and kissing them each.

"Yehey!" the kids chorused. I can feel the excitement. I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I can feel it's gonna be a good day.

"But mom, who is that?" Ariyelle asked pointing her fingers at Derik.

"Ariyelle, this is my boyfriend Derik." I said to her as I was standing and hugging Derik.

"So you were the one dad was pissed about." Ariyelle said. Took a picture of us too. I can see her face look disgusted at him. Sheesh. These kids was taking all things seriously.

"Looks like I'm not invited" Derik chuckled.

I saw the kids running down through Amiel's way. They saw him left his porch and came running towards him. I find it cute.

"Careful kids." I shouted at them.

"DADDDDDDYYYYY!!!" they were screaming at the top of their lungs. Flynn trip over.

"Flynn!!" I shouted. I was about to run towards him when Derik pulled my arm.

"Let him be, it's not your fault why he tripped over." He said. I was kind of shocked at what he said. "Besides, prince charming there helped the kid already"

I saw Amiel helping our Flynn. I saw he was rattled at what happened. He was hugging Flynn and Ariyelle. I think that bastard would be one hell of a great father. Good for him. They come walking towards us.

"Derik." Amiel said casually and nodded his head. He was holding both children side by side.

"Amiel." Answered casually. There was a few seconds of silence.

"So, what's the plan?" Amiel asked.

"Mom was saying she had planned an awesome something today." Flynn said.

I saw a shrug off Amiel's shoulder. He patted Flynn's head. He led the children to the car. They seated at the back of Derik's hummer. I looked at Derik. He shrugged.

"So where are we going my princess?" Derik asked.

"Amusement park. Do you think the kids would like it?"

"Yeah, they are kids after all. They would like everything." And then smiled.

We got inside the car and Amiel and the kids were doing selfies.

"Ready kids? We're going to an amusement park." I asked. They ignored me. They were happily taking pictures with Amiel.

Derik started the car and drove us to the amusement park. On the way to the park, Ariyelle just had to ask the question of the century.

"Dad, what happened to you and mom?"

It was awkward. I tell you, the awkwardness these days is a thing.

"What is the first thing you like to do when we got there?" Amiel asked.

"I'd like to try the roller coaster." Flynn said bravely.

"Sorry guys, rollercoasters are a no go. We could try the carousel for starters. Or the Ferris wheel if you like." Amiel said.

"I'd like to ride the Ferris wheel at night dad" Ariyelle announced. "So we can see the lights"

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