27 - Happy Birthday to me, Oh and Jer and Amiel too

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March 21. Today is the day. It is the day Jeremy and I were born. Today we turned 18, my debut. This is the day we've been waiting and preparing for. This is the day it will all happen. This will be exciting.

Jeremy and I haven't got any sleep. We were working for this event since last night. It was so stressful yet exciting.

We we're very busy that day. When the clock struck 12pm mom told me to get ready. The make-up artists came with me to my room. They took charge of getting me ready. They curled my auburn hair. The artists made me wore a violet dress that was so beautiful. The cloth was hugging my torso and the skirt was flowing down from my bellybutton through my thighs. It was a tube like dress. I've always loved those kind of dress, I really didn't know why. They made me wore a black heels with it but I preferred my toms, so I did wore my toms instead. Besides, I'm gonna walk all through the night. I don't want my feet to get hurt. I really didn't understand girls wearing heels and after a long day they're gonna complain about their sore feet. Sheesh. Why did they wore heels if they knew they'll be walking all day in the first place?

The artists got my things in the car. I have an extra gown that they put in the car. I got to Jeremy's room and he said that he was also ready. I checked on the clocked to see that it was almost 5pm. I was shocked that it took almost 5 hours to get me ready. Jeremy insisted to take pictures of us, so we did. Then he took pictures of me because he said that it was my special day. So I do poses for him.

My mom called us. She said it was time to leave. I just couldn't wait for the party to start. My mom and dad drove Jeremy and me to the venue of the party. First of all I didn't even know where it was. They've been keeping secrets about it. My mom just told me that I would really enjoy the party. Well I hope so.

Dad and mom had this idea of covering my eyes. Dad wrapped a black handkerchief around my eyes. I was excited. After almost I think was half an hour, we finally got out of the car. I was blindfolded. Jeremy took charge and led the way. Then after some time he made me sat on a chair. When I took the blindfold off, I was so amazed at the people and the scenery.

Everyone started singing. Beside me were Amiel and Jeremy. Well it was their birthday too. I was so happy that everyone was there. Then a host announced that the program for the party will now begin. We started off with a prayer and then the program started.

The host started calling the kids names. The kids were so enthusiastic when they heard their name. They were saying their 'I love you's' and 'thank you's' and kissed me. They were so sweet. Some gave them their home made gifts which were very cute.

2 of the kids was Ariyelle and Flynn. They called me mom even though the project was way long over.

"Hi mom." Ariyelle started. "How come you didn't visit us? I missed you. We should have one of those family trips again with dad." Everyone awed. "Look mom, the last time we saw you, you had gone bananas." I remembered. I laughed. "We haven't said anything about you little speech back there. Well for the record mom, we never thought about anything bad about you. It's the other man we think is bad. Ha-ha. Well happy birthday mom. You too dad. I love you booth. Oh happy birthday too Jer." Ariyelle walk towards my chair. She hugged me and kiss me.

"The other man and I are over." I whispered to Ariyelle. She looked at me and smiled. She glanced at Amiel and look back at me. I could see in her eyes the glitter. Wow. This kid sure is a fan of me and Amiel's love story. "Mom, could I eat this cupcake?" I smiled "Sure love." She happily kissed me and she went to Amiel to hug him too.

Next was Flynn. "Hey mom. Ariyelle took the liberty of saying what was on our mind." He started. "Well, all I could say is, count me in on that family trip Ariyelle was talking about. Hope it is all well now with dad." Oh no the kids didn't knew that we were now okay. Err. Well not now. But we were. "I love you mom, to the moon and back." Aww. Amiel really got his work on this kid. I stood on my chair and hugged him. "You're dad really taught you a lot." He smiled. I kissed him on the forehead.

The photographer took some pictures and the other kids asked me if they could eat the cupcakes they gave me. They were so cute. I said they could eat them.

Then the oldies came. The host told that it was now time for the 18 treasures. I was now teary eyed from their messages for me. I am amazed at what treasures they gave me. When I was a child, I thought it was mere gifts. My grandmothers, grandfathers, aunt and uncle's gave me their treasures. And I mean old things.

The most valuable treasure I had was from the mom. Mom gave me an old locket. She said it was a family heirloom. It was given to her by her mom. It was lovely. It was a gold locket. She said when she was young, she put a picture of dad and her and after their college education and some stable jobs, and they married and had Jer and me. She said it was the power of the locket. It was a folklore with the locket. She said that whoever's picture was on the locket, they will end up happily. It was I think a 100 year old locket.

After the treasures, it was time for us to eat. The waiters started serving the foods. I started to roam around the guest took lots of pictures and said a lot of thanks to almost everyone.

After some time, the host said that it is time for the 18 candles to start. So the 18 candles started. It was the girls, most of them are my cousins then some are of them were in the band that I met.

The 18 bass guitars were up. Same with the 18 candles, most of them were my cousins and some were the guys I met in the music industries.

This night is getting oh so better. I'm very sure that it's gonna be a lot awesome. Just you wait and see.

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