1 ; dear namjoon

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Dear Namjoon,

How are you doing Joonie?

You don't know how much I've missed you.

I wish you could just come back to me.

Don't worry, I'm still waiting and I will always wait for you.

Even if if takes me an eternity to wait for you.

We were bestfriends.
No, we were more than bestfriends.

I developed feelings for you when we went out for ice cream.

You remembered precisely how I wanted my ice cream to be.

Vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce and a little bit of rainbow sprinkles on top of it.

You used to laugh at my order because you said it was very childish of me.

We used to take long walks at midnight after you finished all of your homeworks.

I was used to coming over to your house for sleepover.

I was used to your soft snores when you were fast asleep.

I was always used to you burning the meal you wanted to cook for me,

but I never got the chance to confess to you.

It was Friday and you didn't come to school.

I was pretty shocked because you've never skipped school before. Even when you're sick.

I was worried sick and I had to ask a couple of your friends.

They just shrugged and looked me in despair.

After school I rushed to your house but nothing was there except for the for sale sign in front of your door.

I was devastated.

I ran home and locked myself for a day.

My parents told me you were going to come back to me, soon.

I'll just have to wait.

I miss your bear hugs.

I miss your little smooches.

I miss your large figure holding onto my tiny one.

You were like the feeling of bare feet touching the cold ground, solid and calming.

I was sorrow,

But you were my happiness.

I didn't fall out of love with you.

I loved you for all that you were.

Your quirks, talents and passion.

Your flaws and mistakes.

How clumsy and careless you are.

You dark brown eyes and your dimples never ceases to make me smile.

Your smile that made their way across your cheek when I called your name.

I loved every atom that comprised your being.

I wish you'll come back for me.

I wish we could meet each other under the beautiful autumn leaves when the sun sets.


Come back to me.

Athena xx

TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now