10 ; meeting

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'ugh. i'm hungry.' I thought to myself.

Even though it was a little bit hard to get up after the disaster that just happened, I could finally pull myself together and went outside.

what should we eat today? hm.. pancakes seems nice.

The blissful sound of the bell echoed through my ear as I stepped into the idyllic café.

I told the waiter my order and sat down at the round table, plugging in my earphones.

As I was about to play the music, the door opened, revealing someone I didn't expect.

Jung Hoseok.

He looked around the room and our eyes met.

"Athena." He called out.

He sat by you, smiling awkwardly.

"H-Hoseok." I stuttered. "What brings y-you here?"

"Your letter." He implied.

"Oh, um, yeah, that wasn't meant to be sent out. I'm sorry." I said and looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry Athena." He said.

"For what?" I look up.

"For leaving you like that." He held the back of his neck, waiting for my response.

"It's okay." I said.

"I miss you Athena." He smiles.

"I miss you too Hoseok." I smile back. "Honestly, I feel kind of relieved I sent out the letters."

"You should." He said.

We then spend the rest of the day talking to each other.

I miss him a lot.

Hearing his laugh was music to my ears.

Thank you Hoseok.

We exchanged numbers and bid goodbye before going our seperate ways.

TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now