2 ; dear seokjin

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Dear Seokjin,

It's been a year since I last heard your beautiful laugh that never ceases to make me laugh too.

It's also been a year since we last cuddled.

I miss us being together.

I miss us eating together.

I miss us bickering about food and other stuffs.

I miss your silly dad jokes.

I miss your cookings.

I miss your pancakes.

I miss your warm coats and scarfs.

I miss your scented bedroom.

I miss you.

We met at the pet shop.

I was going to buy some food for my dog, bear.

And you were going to buy some food for your dog too.

I remembered how much you cried when he passed away.

I'm really thankful that I could meet an angel like you.

You were like the feeling of taking the first bite of a homemade pie, heart warming and happy filling.

You were just like the bright blue sky, you make people around you feel safe and warm.

You were always attentive and you were a good listener.

Whenever I had a hard time, you were always there for me.

But I'm sorry, I was never there for you.

And now you're infront of me, unconscious.

You've been in a coma for a long time now.

Please wake up.

I never thought that things will end up like this.

It was 2 am when your mother called me and told me you were hospitalized.

I rushed there and found you laying on the bed, peacefully.

I spent the night crying.

But I never stop believing.

I know one day, just one day,

You will,

No, you must,

Come back to me.

Athena xx

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