Klance ❤️💙: Take a Break With Us

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This was requested by my good friend goldy_fredbear how you like this! And I have one more request from them to work on. Enjoy!
Keith, like almost every other day, was on the training deck, while Lance played Dungeons and Dragons with Pidge, Shiro, Allura, Coran and Hunk, with Lance being the game master. When they had finished the game, Allura smiled.
"I think I'll be Game Master next Lance, Keith has been working so hard, why don't you ask him if he wants to take a break and play with us?" Lance smiled and nodded. Lance was bisexual but no one but the mice knew, so basically Allura since the mice told her everything. Lance made sure not to tell anyone about how he felt about Keith. He didn't even know if Keith liked guys, but he for sure didn't seem to be attracted to girls, maybe Keith wasn't attracted to anyone..? Lance thought about this as he headed to the training deck, hearing the bot's and Keith's swords. He also heard Keith's heaving breathing. Keith has been training so much recently, as well as his duties as a paladin...
Lance walked into the training deck as he watched the bot go to strike Keith. On reflex Lance shot the bot and deactivated the training sequence.
"Hey Mullet, you alright?" When Keith didn't respond Lance put his bayard away and went over to Keith.
"Hey Keith! Did you hea-" Lance stopped when he saw a pale and slightly unconscious Keith.
Lance picked up Keith's body bridal style and craddled Keith's head against his chest. He headed to the pods while calling out.
"Shiro! Coran! Allura! Pidge! Guys! Keith needs some help!" Allura and the rest of team Voltron abandoned the game and ran to Lance and the pods. Once Keith was inside Lance sat front of Keith's pod, Coran and Pidge were talking about how Keith had over exerted himself. Once Keith was taken care of the paladins and Allura returned to their game. Coran looked at Lance.
"Lance, are you coming with us?"
"Nah Coran, I'll stay here and wait for Keith."
~Time skip a couple of hours so that we were can continue the oneshot~
Lance was still waiting for Keith, thinking about how he felt for the texan, hot headed, antisocial paladin. When Keith's pod opened and Lance caught him as he rolled out.
"Keith! Buddy you alright? You had m-us worried." Keith nodded and cuddled into Lance.
"Yeah..." Lance frowned and looked at Keith.
"Why were you pushing yourself so much? That's not healthy." The red paladin hid his face from Lance and stood up, prepared to take off.
"I-I, I need to get stronger so I protect you..." The red paladin blinked and looked at Lance when he heard this.
"I want to protect you too Keith, and you can't protect me if you're too busy falling unconscious." Keith smiled softly and that caused the cuban boy to blush and blurt.
"Your smile is cute." The pale boy blushed and hugged Lance.
"Why were you coming down to the training deck?" He wanted to change the subject off him. Lance chuckled and wrapped his arms around Keith and smiled. "Allura sent me to see if you wanted to take a break and play Dungeons and Dragons with us. And after that Keith, I know for sure that you're taking a break." Keith smiled and rolled his eyes.
"Since we're being all caring for each other, can I tell you something?" Lance blinked and nodded.
"Sure, Keith you can tell me anything."
"I-IlikeyouLance. ButIknowyouprobablyarn'tgayorbisexualo-" Keith's flustered rant was cut short by a kiss on the cheek from Lance. Lance saw this as a perfect opportunity to try a pickup line, but this one was made on the fly.
"Bold of you to assume I'm not into guys, we all know my good looks turn straight gay for me." Keith laughed and shook his head.
"God Lance, that was terrible! Come on, we better go join the others before they start without us." Lance once again froze Keith with another kiss on the cheek as he raced ahead of Keith. "Alright, love you Mullet!" The dumb nickname from Lance getting Keith to smile. Or maybe it was just the goofball known as Lance McClain.

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