Klance ❤️💙: Fallen Angel!Keith X Angel!Lance: Feathered Lovers

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goldy_fredbear request too. Please feel free to message me, or comment if you have requests.
Keith had hidden his wings and was walking around the humans. He was trying to blend in and not catch any attention to himself, be didn't really know any other fallen angels, or even angels. The only angel that he knew for sure was his, in a way, adoptive father, Shiro. Though he could guess at some form of angel students at his school, one being Hunk, after all, the boy was sweet and kind, how could that boy not be an angel, then there was Lance. Lance claimed to be Keith's "rival" also that there was a rivialrly when in reality, it was just Lance trying to be rivals.
Lance was with his buddies Hunk and Pidge. Hunk was his best angel buddy and Pidge was his best human friend, after all, it was her that helped them fit in when they enrolled in their first not-angel-only school. If they needed help with anything with the human world, Pidge was the one they went to. Pidge was currently slapping Hunk away from her machines and things.
"Hunk don't touch my stuff!" Hunk pouted before sitting next to Lance. He turned to his best friend and smiled.
"So Lance, when are you going to tell Keith you like him?" Lance jumped, his wings unintentionally flaring out.
"W-what?! I don't like that mullet!" Hunk and Pidge chuckled and smirked.
"Suuuuuuuure. You're always looking at him when your not picking a fight with him, checking your hair, and making sure you're looking extra nice when you know you'll be seeing him." Lance blushes and sighed.
"So I might like him alittle."
Keith headed off to spend some time alone in one of the simulators since he wanted to pilot while he was here, Lance had the same thought. So they were paired up, both secretly excited to be near the other, but to stubborn and prideful to show it. They made awkward small talk until they got on the topic of family. Keith silently listened to the cuban boy, not wanting to talk about his own messed up family after hearing about how great Lance's was. Lance looked over.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I was just thinking." Lance sighed and didn't push it. Keith went back to focusing on the simulator. The worked in silence until Lance looked over. He saw something, a small, black feather. Lance smiled and let one of his own feathers drop, onto the black one as he stood up.
"Hey, um, Keith. I'm going head to one of the other simulations to practice side by side with you." Keith simply nodded. Lance walked into the simulator next to Keith. Keith looked down and blinked when he saw the white feather on his own. He smiled and chuckled.
"So he's an angel..." He heard Lance's voice as the simulation started.
"Hey Keith, ready! I'll outfly you this time!"
"Yeah right Lance, I can outfly anyone in this building." Keith chuckled and him and Lance started working on techniques. Since he was just them, Lance and Keith, now not being face-to-face they started talking and laughing until Lance slipped out at one of Keith's over-sarcastic remarks.
"Why do I love you? You're such a jerk sometimes!" Both boys instantly stiffened, each one blushing madly.
"You... you love me?"
"Imeaninlikearivialsenseyouknow! You'resuchagreatflyeranditjustmakesmewanttobeatyou-"
"Y-yeah?"Lance winced, waiting for the hot head's rejection. But he could hear the rare softness and smile on Keith's face as Lance got the opposite of a rejection of an accidental confession.
"I like you too Lance."
Please comment if you want a oneshot or you have a idea/ship you want. If you like this please vote and hope you have a good day or night!"

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