Shallura 🖤💖: Perfect Team

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Let's start off with Space Dad and Space Mom!
It was like every other training day, Allura and Coran watched over the paladins as they trained, Allura mostly watching Shiro. Coran noticed and turned to Allura.
"Princess why don't you go join them? It'll be go for you to let loose."
"I think I shall Coran, please put the training sequence on hold and tell the paladins that we'll be working in teams of two and you can sort out the teams, I trust you will pick them well." Allura headed to her room to change out of her dress and into some training gear. Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and, with some coaxing from Shiro, Keith all sat down to rest and get a drink. As they did Coran thought about each paladin and how they fought and worked with each other.
"Hmmmm, Lance's shooting is good at long, mid, or short range foes, but not close combat, the same with Pidge except her bayard let's her be able to be in close combat... Hunk's good at long range alone, Shiro without a bayard and his background and arm excels at close combat. I got it!" Allura grabbed a whip as Coran called out the teams.
"The two people teams will be Pidge and Hunk, Keith and Lance, and Allura and Shiro!" Keith and Lance grumbled but nonetheless was ready to work together. Pidge and Hunk smiled and high-fived. Allura and Shiro smiled at each other as Coran started the training sequence.
"Now everyone, you can only protect your partner! Do you hear me Lance, so protecting Allura, that's Shiro's job, you need to make sure Keith is safe!"

As the training sequence got more and more advanced Lance and Keith we're quickly knocked out due their constant fighting, Pidge and Hunk next because Hunk couldn't shoot down a bot fast enough and it was to strong for Pidge. Allura and Shiro we're holding their own pretty well until a bot grabbed Allura's whip. Another one lunged at her and Shiro took it down, while taking the hit, knocking their team out. Keith went over and he and Allura helped up Shiro.
"Great job Shiro, you too Allura." Coran came over beaming, playing with his mustache.
"They make a great team don't they Keith!" Allura smiled and looked at Shiro.
"we do don't we?" Shiro smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, we do princess." Coran smiled.
"Why don't we all call it a day and settle down? I found a moive we all can watch, since Pidge helped me set up moives and video entertainment into the Castle!" Allura smiled and put the whip away.
"That sounds lovely Coran." Allura was hoping to spend some more time with Shiro. Shiro was hoping the same thing. Allura and the others all went to their respective rooms and showered and changed. Shiro pulled a shirt over his head and tried to remember how long it's been since he realized he liked Allura. He liked everything about her, how kind she was, how beautiful she looked, how she was strong and wanted to do everything she could to help, and how she saw good in everything. Shiro headed to everyone else, not paying attention. He'd never told Allura in fear of being rejected. He walked into Allura, who had been thinking about Shiro, how ironic. Allura jumped and blushes since to stabilize her from falling, Shiro had wrapped an arm around her.
"Princess are you alright?"
"Oh Shiro! Y-yes yes I'm fine never better! How are you?" Shiro frowned.
"Allura are you sure everything is alright, you seem to be acting strange." Allura then rambled this to Shiro;
"Oh nothing is wrong. I-Isn't this normal for a girl when the guy she likes is holding her on Earth?" Allura stiffened when she realized what he had said before taking off to get to the others, not waiting to see Shiro's red face at this. He followed her. "Princess!"
When he caught up and he hugged her, and Allura froze when he asked her.
"Allura, do you like me?" Allura fearfully nodded. She didn't want to ruin her relationship with Shiro. Shiro smiled and hugged her tighter.
"I like you too Allura. I've liked you long enough to say I think I love you." Allura blushed and looked up at Shiro and smiled and quickly pecked his lips.
"We should get to the others, after all, they're waiting on the best two person team in the castle."
Shiro wrapped an arm around her waist and chuckled. "I think we're the best two person team in the universe Princess." With that they walked to where the others where as the moive started.
Please comment if you want a oneshot I will try to update whenever I have time/whenever I think of a oneshot. With that have an amazing day.

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