Lotor💜XFemale!Beaten!Human!ReaderXKeith❤️: Two Sides of The Kinda Same Coin

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Your Current position: Being held captive with a bunch of different aliens by these purple aliens. You weren't really thrilled, after all, you we'rent all that into being crowed into a slave ship, most likely, and bound. You were a member of a search group that had looked for Takashi Shirogane(I can't spell I'm sorry:')), Matt Holt, and Commander Holt. Next thing you knew while searching your ship was shot down and you crew and you were separated. Most likely they we're somewhere in the same position or dead. You looked around and you saw Commander Holt and Matt Holt. You, slowly, made you way over to them.
"Commander Holt, Matt Holt, are you both alright?" Matt Holt looked up and his eyes widened. Commander Holt eyed you.
"Who are you?" You nodded.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n). I was part of the search crew that was looking for you all. But these, things," Matt corrected you.
"They're an alien race called the galra."
"Then these, glara, attacked our ship and took us hostage and separated me and the rest of the crew." Matt and Commander Holt nodded. Soon the galra soldiers came back and herded you all to a group before what you could guess a commander before all being separated, some to be slaves, others to prisons to make new technology, others sent to fight for their lives in the area. As one could guess, most of the hostages went there, including Matt Holt. You were forced to go be a slave assistant to a commander over in a prison, you we're constantly watched, and were whipped or beat until you passed out or begged for death if you made a mistake or showed any sign of rebellion, or if the commander needed to take his feelings out on something.
-Time skip about I guess 3 years-
After three years of that living death, you overheard the galra commander you served talking to his subordinate about Team Voltron teaming up Prince Lotor and taking over prison bases now, to save the prisoners. You felt a tiny spark of hope that you would be saved, but it disappeared as you heard the command to increase defenses. You knocked and the talking ceased as you walked in with food for the commander.
"Master, I brought your food for you." You mumbled as he took the tray and ate. You kept you head down and thought about your life before the galra, you couldn't quiet remember, all you remember was the harsh beatings and lashings. The room shook as alarms blared. You were told to hide. You hide in the slave quarters and prayed that you wouldn't have to live in this anymore. You heard the door break down and light flooded into the dark room as light flooded in. You covered your face and screamed in fear that it was the commander.
"P-please don't kill me..!" The voices you heard wasn't the commander, making you freeze. You slowly uncovered your face.
"Now, why would I kill you? We're here to help you."
"Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you, but let's get you somewhere safe." You saw the exiled and now wanted Prince Lotor and next to him was the Red Paladin. The face was familiar. You went to stand but the beating this morning and lack of having anything to eat made your body go slack. All you knew was before you blacked out was someone that felt human, catching you and the red paladin's voice.
"Hey! Hold on alittle longer alright? We'll get you some medical help."

While in the pod your memories of Earth came back. Memories of her walking by and watching the stubborn hothead new student, Keith, you remember his name was, punch another student. You saw the way he flew, you thought he was good enough to be a child prodigy. You remembered your friends and family, loving the feeling of flying.

As you regained consciousness and fell out if the pod you felt someone catch you. When you were able to see you found yourself staring into Prince Lotor's eyes. Before anyone could say anything you pushed yourself away from the galra prince and scrambled away and huddled against the wall, whimpering afraid of being beat. You heard Keith.
"Lotor, leave her alone, I think you're scaring her."
"How? We saved her!"
"Lotor, the pod said she was beat and whipped by a galra commander, walking up after all that, face to face with the prince of the galra, exiled or not."
"Very well, but I won't leave the room." You looked around and saw humans, mostly, in the room. You saw the paladins, the alteans, and we're told and named them all Shiro, instead of Takashi Shirogane, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Keith, Allura, Corran, and then there was Prince Lotor. They were all present in the room. Eventually after a minute, you tried to stand, with you legs giving out again, both Lotor and Keith steadied you. You looked at Keith and you noticed he looked closer to you're age than you remember. He looked looked about your age now, when before, he looked a couple years younger. He looked actually attractive up close, as did Prince Lotor. You're face heated up as you scolded yourself for thinking like you were, you mumbled softly.
"C-can you let g-go of me..? I-I think I can s-stand on m-my own..." Keith and Lotor smiled and they stepped away.
-Time skip a month-
After a month you had a healthy amount of weight, and you were no longer afraid of Lotor, and you learned Keith was half galra. During that month you became good friends with them, and you wanted to be more, but thought Lotor wouldn't be interested, and you flat out thought Keith was gay. You had just taken a nap, and was headed to the training deck and heard what sounded like arguing and fighting. You being the one that hated fighting hurried over and heard Keith and Lotor, fighting over you? You walked in and both froze mid insult and you saw Keith blade from his mother again Lotor's neck and Lotor's sword against Keith's, both in a lethal position. Keith blinked dumbly, but you thought it was adorable.
"(Y/n)... what are you doing, here? I thought you were still asleep." While Lotor smiled widely.
"Ah (y/n) dear! Can you help us with a dispute?" He grunted as Keith elbowed him when they had put their blades away. You felt yourself smile.
"Sure! What's the problem guys?" Lotor went up to you and kissed your hand.
"How would you feel if one of us courted you?" Keith scoffed.
"English Lotor. What he means is," Keith's cheeks went a light pink, which made you want to cup his face, which in that moment looked adorable.
"He's trying to save that both of us like you (y/n)." You smiled and did what you wanted to do, you cupped his face. "Do you know how cute you are when you blush Keithy! It's such a rare treat!" Keith blushed harder and slapped you away, but you swore you heard him purr.
"Hey! Don't do that!" Lotor sighed.
"(y/n), did you even hear what we said?" You're face heated up as you looked away from them.
"I-I uh, I l-like b-both of you. You're great guys, but, I can't have both you, that's not how things work..." You quickly looked at them, they seemed happy to hear you cared about them too, but they both knew you couldn't be with both of them, they'd end up killing each other, and you all knew that.
"If I had to take one I-I'd w-want..."

Keith Ending:
"If I had to take one I-I'd w-want Keith." You smiled at the red paladin while Lotor's shoulders slumped and his hand went to his sword. You quick scrambled for words to calm Lotor and keep them from fighting.
"I'd pick Keith because after all this is over, I-I t-think it w- would be better for me on Earth after all this... and Earth customs, they don't socially like people who are together that are a certain age apart and Lotor, y-you're much older than I am..." Lotor relaxed slightly, but he still looked ready to attack. Keith was tense now.
"And I feel like it would be easier for me to be with Keith, after all, Lotor, you need to be a leader to the galra, it's your birth right, and I feel like with me, I'd only weigh you down and put you in danger. I mean, humans are so weak compared to the strength of the galra, naturally that is, and I'd like to stay as natural as I can..." Lotor and Keith both relaxed. Lotor still looked rejected, but he stood up straight and kissed you're head.
"I know (y/n), you wouldn't be happy in the empire would you? It's holds one too many terrible memories for you." He sadly looked at you before walking away. You looked down, feeling like a terrible person when Keith hugged you, he comforted you the best you could, you smiled and leaned into his chest. After the defeat of Zarkon and Lotor's betrayal, you never felt more relieved that you hadn't gone with him, the guilty that you thought that. Keith had hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, he'd gotten better at comforting you, he may be stubborn and rough around the edges, and said things he didn't always mean, Everytime he told you he loved you or kissed you, it was easy to tell he meaned it. Lotor and the entire race of the galra except Keith and Krolia, became a distant nightmare and memory.

Lotor Ending:
"If I had to take one I-I'd w-want Lotor." You saw the prince smile and light up and he scooped you up and swung you around, while Keith stood there sullenly. Before you could say anything the paladin walked away, and you never spoke with him normally again. After learning what Lotor had done, you we'rent sure if he could be trusted, Keith attacked again and again, everytime he pulled at your heart, saying if he lied about something as important as that, how could he be trusted to treat you the way you deserved. Lotor would fight him off before comforting you and assuring you that even if he had done some bad things, you truly believed he had good intentions, and that he truly loved you. You fell asleep time and time again next to Lotor, you never felt in danger. Soon Keith stopped and he faded from your mind again, but this time without the curse if being beaten and lashed.

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