Corran🧡 X Altean!Reader

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You looked around the castle to find something that needed tuned up. You helped Coran and Princess Allura around the castle. Coran came over and smiled.
"Ah (y/n)! Just the Altean I was looking for!" You internally cringed, since other than your princess and Coran, you we're considered the only other Altean alive. You put on a smile anyway and chuckled.
"What do you need Coran? A tool, instruction video, though those are little beaten up so they might glitch..."
"Oh! I just wanted to talk to you and catch up!" A real smile found it's way to your face.
"Alright then then. What do you want to talk about? The paladins, the lions, Allura?" You threw out some ideas. Coran Chuckled.
"How about you? It's been at least 10,000 years since we were able to talk like this, though now that we are, it feels almost like it's been 100,000!" You chuckled and shook your head. It has been a long time since you and Coran could talk like this, without work, or duites getting in the way. As if on signal, Coran got a call from Allura saying she needed his help. Coran sighed.
"Well, catching up will have to wait I suppose. I'll find you later (y/n) for that raincheck!" He took off while you laughed to yourself at his energy and enthusiasm. You went to the bridge and saw Pidge. You and her were good friends. She smiled when she saw you. "Oh hey (y/n)! What's up?" You sat next to the small child as she returned to her violent video game. When she died and yelled you chuckled and took the game from her.
"Maybe someone your age shouldn't play something with too much violence and gore." Pidge pouted and reached for her game.
"Aw come on (y/n)! You're not my mom/dad!" This made you laugh as you pet her head.
"Perhaps but I am your elder." Lance came over and slung his arm around your shoulder. In all honesty, this bisexual boy was a mess with his feelings.
"Yeah Pidge, listen to your elders!"
"I'm not going to listen to you Lance! Keith, Hunk, and Shiro maybe. But not you!" You sweat dropped as the tall and tiny paladins started arguing. You pulled you blade and sliced the air between them, making them both jump. You smiled sweetly.
"Lance I hope you do remember that I'm not just Pidge's elder, I'm also yours as well as Allura, Coran, and Shiro. The pods may not have aged me, Coran, and Allura physically or mentally, we are you'll elders." Lance sighed and grumbled something and left and Pidge giggles.
"Thanks (y/n)." You smiled more and played dungeons and dragons with Pidge when Coran came over.
"Ah! Pidge, (y/n)! Playing a game I see?"
You chuckled and smiled.
"Well trying, it's not really fun with two people."
"Well how about three? Mind if I join you two gals?" You smiled and nodded. You and Coran became lost in the adventures of your characters. Pidge smiled as she watched you. Your character dying pulling you out as Coran made his character fly into a rage to avenge you. You smiled more and gently nudged him.
"You seem to be getting pretty upset there Coran. It's just a game." Coran blushes and smiled slightly.
"W-well, you mean alot to me and I guess I got caught up in the moment..." You giggled and made another character. At the end, Pidge ended up making you be a prisoner and Coran saved you. You smiled and you froze and blushed as, since Coran was in the moment and forgot what and who the character was controlling, Coran's character kissed yours. When Coran noticed your stare he jumped and blushes harder. Before he could make an excuse you mustered up your courage and kissed him. After that Pidge mysteriously disappeared to her room and you and Coran cuddled the rest of the time until you both fell asleep on the couch.

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